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Ecology a small community of plants within a larger association
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



in its broad sense the aggregate of the historically established forms of joint human activity.

Society, a unique and the highest stage in the development of living beings, manifests itself in the functioning and development of social organizations, institutions, and groups, and in the inner workings of class and other social contradictions. In its narrow sense “society” can mean a historically specific type of social system, such as a capitalist society; a particular social structure belonging to such a type, such as Japanese feudalism; or a particular form of social relations, for example, society as contrasted to the state in Hegel.

The central problem of all theories of society throughout the history of sociophilosophical thought has been the explanation of the nature of social ties and of man’s correspondingly social nature. Different solutions of this problem also determine to a great degree the treatment of different types of social activity, including individual actions. A truly scientific theory of society was first created by the founders of Marxism-Leninism.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


A secondary or minor plant community forming part of a community.
An organization of individuals of the same species in which there are divisions of resources and of labor as well as mutual dependence.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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If he had, he would have been forced to observe that whatever the basic unit of society may be, the basic unit of political community is the individual.
American Society for Testing and Materials, Committee D24 on Carbon Black meeting, Hyatt Regency, Dallas, TX, Tim Brooke (610) 832-9729--December 5-7.
A challenge to such notions is attempted here through a specific example of how Palestinian Arab society views conflicts and violence and how it is able to manage violence, even when the state is unwilling or unable to do so.
"That question is settled, because such collapses have actually been happening recently, and others appear to be imminent." By collapse, Diamond means "a drastic decrease in human population size and/or political/economic/social complexity, over a considerable area, for an extended time." Based on his case studies, Diamond concocts a five-point framework to explain why societies collapse: "environmental damage, climate change, hostile neighbors, and friendly trade partners," along with "the society's responses to its environmental problems."
4.2 The society in general believes that God approves of general character traits related to work and productivity.
This was done to keep the lands of cooperative societies (under liquidation) under Red Entry in order to avoid the possibility of illegal sale and purchase of plots by the management of these cooperative societies and to avoid third-party interest, as per sources.The then Registrar Cooperative Societies Sindh, also sent a letter (RCS/Kyc/158/2017) dated 8-9-2017 to State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Chief Manager Banking Services Corporation Karachi, and letter (RCS/Kyc/170/2017) dated 19-9-2017 to SBP Director Banking Policy and Registration Department Karachi, containing request to intimate whether any bank account was opened/operated by the cooperative societies (under liquidation) to run the affairs of the society.
CDA has already suspended the NOC of society owing to fake transfers of land, NAB and FIA have also expedited their investigation process against the corrupt mafia.
Muhammad Abbas Sajid: Pakistan HVACR Society came into existence in 1993 when the need was felt to have all the professionals connected to the HVACR field come together and represent the HVACR community and help the government form policies conducive to the proper growth and development of the HVACR field in Pakistan.
There are about 110 illegal societies including Jammu Kashmir Housing Society, Supreme Court housing society, Sawan Garden Cooperative housing society, Civilian employee cooperative society, central board of revenue employee Housing society, Senate employees Housing Society Aagosh Housing Society, Ministry of common's employees Housing Society, Interior employees housing society, Multi Professional Housing society, Cabinet Division Employees Housing Society, and others that are busy in looting people with impunity without having a lay out plan or NOC.
The accountability body conducted a series of raids on Friday and Saturday respectively and apprehended five suspects who were wanted in an investigation against office holders of the Karimabad Ismailia Multipurpose Cooperative Society Karachi.
Host: Kapusod in cooperation with Philippine Astronomical Society
'By the time the Society is given the notification of cancellation, it is when about four years have elapsed without any notification coming forth from that particular Society,' Ms Okello-Wengi said.

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