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Related to organisation: business organisation


A generic term for a managed or controlled entity within the NHS, which includes NHS Trusts, clinical directorates, multi-disciplinary teams, allied health profession teams, and so on.
Segen's Medical Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All rights reserved.
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In our model, identity is the way an organisation wishes to be seen.
This is the way an organisation's stakeholders interpret its brand values and brand identity.
At the point where stakeholders interact with the organisation, they experience the organisation's quality of products or service, its behaviours and its applied values.
From the image a stakeholder has of an organisation and reassessment on the basis of experiences with that organisation, the stakeholder develops a new attitude toward the company - the collective attitudes of all stakeholders at this stage form an organisation's full reputation.
In this model of brand and reputation, identity is how an organisation wishes to be seen, and reputation is how an organisation is seen.
- managing identity: Identify the "values" that will best enable the organisation to fulfil its business objectives (e.g., ensure sound investment, successful recruitment, a licence to operate and competitive advantage).

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