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To provide with, or to assume, a structure.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


To provide with, or to assume, a structure.
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012

Patient discussion about organize

Q. i'm going on an organic diet for fibromyalgia does anyone know if this will help this awful pain

A. Couldn't find any research proving that organic diet improves fibromyalgia. On the other hand, couldn't actually find a research that contradict it (or even dealing with it), so no one can give you any established answer for your answer, so it's your decision.

Anyway, remember to consult a professional (e.g. a doctor) before you start any diet or any other intervention.

You may read more here:

Q. Can a Chiropractor tell if your organs are shutting down?

A. She told me that because my spine is out of line so much, that it's causing my organs to shut down. I have been having bladder problems. I really think she is just trying to scare me.

Q. I'm looking for natural/organic ways to deal with carpal tunnel syndrome. My Boss has Carpal Tunnel syndrome. I'm looking for some natural remedies to help her ease the pain.

A. I have found that MSM (GNC brand) 1500mg per day works for me. I talked to an Orthopedic Surgeon asking him why it works... he said "they really don't know why it works, but it works for many of my patients". When I stop taking my MSM the symptoms return so it is not a cure.

I have tried other brands of MSM and found the GNC brand works the best for me. It takes about 2 weeks to begin to see the results and several more weeks to get the full affect.

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References in periodicals archive ?
Deleuze and Guattari (1988) imply the existence of two kinds of assemblage engaged in the capture and deployment of power: "extensive, molar multiplicities that are divisible, unifiable, totalisable and organisable; and molecular, intensive multiplicities that are not unifiable or totalisable and that do not divide without changing in nature" (Patton, 2000, page 42).
The Islamic theory of epistemology argues that knowledge is relative, cumulative, and organisable and that a scientific theory is only verifiable by facts of reality, and hence, science education must promote this spirit of investigation which in itself promotes scientific observation and integrates it with the scientific theory within its scope of assumptions and hypotheses (Zakaria, 1978; Ibrahim, 2005; Al-Sharief, 2000).
As a pair of Others whom we cannot categorise into an organisable, controllable group, we can define them neither as friend or foe.