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paying attention through hearing.
active listening in the nursing interventions classification, a nursing intervention defined as attending closely to and attaching significance to a patient's verbal and nonverbal messages.
Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in classic literature ?
Though the encampment contained many an eye that was long unclosed, and many an ear that listened greedily to catch the faintest evidence of any new alarm, it lay in deep quiet during the remainder of the night.
Here she listened, as if she doubted the propriety of venturing further.
Ellen now listened intently anxious to catch some other sound, than the breathing of the morning air, which faintly rustled the herbage at her feet.
The naturalist listened in silent wonder, neither interrupting her narrative nor suffering a single exclamation of surprise to escape him.
Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply - Stephen R.
They speak when listen, they may register nonverbal body language by nodding, making eye contact and through facial expression as well as through kinesics and proxemics.
Click "Form description" and write your directions: "Listen to the music selection below.
All it takes is logging in to a Spotify account and the website will display detailed information about which artists, songs and genres they listened to the most in 2018.
I didn't realise all she wanted me to do was listen. I didn't realise that my silence was enough.
For example, in discussing writing center pedagogy, Neal Lerner (2014) lists "the need for tutors/instructors to listen fully and carefully" as one important aspect of effective practice, and he argues that this practice translates to teaching writing more generally (p.
Listen Technologies said has partnered with ExXothermic, Inc., and through this acquisition of the Audio Everywhere brand and products will advance the partnership to the next level to offer assistive listening systems with Wi-Fi audio streaming.
According to the report, at least 65% of American adults listen to the radio away from the home between 6 a.m.