Listed stocks

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Listed stocks

Stocks that are traded on an exchange.
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Listed Security

Stock in a publicly-traded company that is traded on a particular stock exchange. For example, companies that trade on the NYSE are said to be listed securities for that exchange. Listed securities must conform to each exchange's listing requirements, which usually mandate having a certain market capitalization, number of shareholders, and/or revenue. Listing requirements exist to enforce stability on an exchange as much as possible. A listed security may be delisted if it fails to meet the listing requirements for too long. However, some listed securities may be temporarily exempt from listing requirements if they show some sign of a potential recovery. It is important to distinguish firms with listed securities from member firms, which are companies that conduct trades on an exchange. See also: C.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved
References in periodicals archive ?
The evidence supports the assertion that cross- listed stocks become more integrated with world markets.
On the other hand, its listed stock fell by 4.69 percent to $40 on a weekly basis, extending its yearly decline to 23 percent.
Sounds boring but the system lets our city boys trade all of London's listed stocks and Swiss shares, too.
While these trades have become relatively common on US listed stocks and ADRs, the competitive front line of the hedging market is now being fought on the ability to provide protection on good quality securities in non-US markets including Argentina, Brazil and Mexico.
On Monday, trading came almost to a standstill within the first 10 minutes as the prices of almost 80% of listed stocks hit limit-down of 3.5%, while some 10% of listed stocks were suspended after hitting the daily allowed maximum rise of 7 %.
Several brokers point out that it is also easy to invest in NASDAQ listed stocks. You can just call and place your order and the transaction will be executed at a price or very close to the previous transaction.
The value of comparable listed stocks. The price at which the stock of a comparable publicly held corporation is traded will be evidence of the closely held corporation's value.
Egyptians represented 64.0% of the value traded in listed stocks after excluding deals during the period.
Compared to 2017, the average net profit margin of all listed stocks increased by more than 40 per cent.
Sure, there have been IPOs in the past that have doubled or tripled shortly after listing but there are also many newly listed stocks that went downhill right from the start.
56 million shares in POSCO, 58 percent of the company's entire listed stocks. Considering foreign investors held 43.
As Sunday session closed, 33 of the listed stocks, out of 109, were up and 42 down.