listed building

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listed building

(in Britain) a building officially recognized as having special historical or architectural interest and therefore protected from demolition or alteration
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005

listed building

Any building designated as being of historic architectural interest by one of the many organizations dedicated to the preservation of historic architecture.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Architecture and Construction. Copyright © 2003 by McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The bridge became a listed structure in 1971, but was founded in 1535 by Robert Spittal, tailor to King James IV of Scotland.
The Grade II listed structure, in Croxton, near Stafford, was built in 1777 and was a working mill for 100 years.
Client: AECOM Partners: Amalgamated Construction Limited, Network Rail Award Category: Heritage, Partnership, Construction PRATTS Mill Aqueduct is a Grade II listed structure on the Wyrley & Essington Canal, which was also designated in 2008 as a Local Nature Reserve.
A Grade I Listed structure and also a Scheduled Ancient Monument, it is believed to be the longest packhorse bridge in the country.
OTHER LISTED STRUCTURES IN AND AROUND CARDIFF | The animal wall at Cardiff Castle was built in 1890 and designated a Grade I listed structure in 1952.
Work to restore the grade II listed structure , in Penrhyn Avenue, started last year and is nearing completion with construction company Macbryde Homes having spent just under pounds 300,0 on getting it up to scratch.
All that is now left standing of the Grade I listed structure is its pavilion which was also reduced to metal and ashes by a fire in March 2003.
Northern Racing operates the racecourse on a long lease from Brighton & Hove Council, and now St Modwen has been selected as the development partner of the West Pier Trust for the restoration of the Grade 1 Listed structure, which has been derelict for several years.
The neo-Georgian style, Grade II listed structure, next to Port Talbot Railway Station will be rebranded as The Terminus.
A new bridge would also enable some public access to the far end of the pier, allowing greater appreciation of the listed structure, as well as impressive views of the coast, town and Whitby Abbey.
For many months, the pillars, walls and handrails on the Grade I Listed structure have been covered with ugly markings, including numerous signatures, messages and swear words.