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References in classic literature ?
Mary did not know what "wutherin'" meant until she listened, and then she understood.
"But why did he hate it so?" she asked, after she had listened. She intended to know if Martha did.
She looked at the red fire and listened to the wind "wutherin'." It seemed to be "wutherin'" louder than ever.
And thereafter Saxon listened, in a maze, to what almost seemed a wild farrago, save that the strange meaningless phrases were fraught with dim, mysterious significance.
Although Prince Vasili listened reluctantly and not very politely to the elderly lady, even betraying some impatience, she gave him an ingratiating and appealing smile, and took his hand that he might not go away.
Then as he changed, the tales he listened to changed too.
He stood, listened, and gazed sometimes down at the wet mossy ground, sometimes at Laska listening all alert, sometimes at the sea of bare tree tops that stretched on the slope below him, sometimes at the darkening sky, covered with white streaks of cloud.
This done, I put the ladder against the house wall, listened, measured the distance to the open second-floor window with my eye, listened again--and, finding all quiet, began my second and last ascent.
I listened at the window attentively before I ventured on taking my lantern out of my coatpocket.
"Listen," interrupted the other, already forgetting his affected anxiety for his patients, in the greater importance of the present subject.
"Listen, girl, and you shall hear, with what a treasure it has been my happy lot to enrich the pages of natural history!"
The discussion had been religiously listened to, and Fouquet himself, scarcely able to suppress his laughter, had given an example of moderation.