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Resulting from excessive consumption of a natural substance.
Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012


1. Consuming or tending to consume.
2. Of, relating to, or afflicted with consumption.
A person afflicted with consumption.

con·sump′tive·ly adv.
The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2007, 2004 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

Patient discussion about consumptive

Q. If someone is a recovering alcoholic, should he refrain from alcohol consumption in food as well? I mean, can he eat a cake or a sauce which has alcohol in it?

A. I love to here storys like that lixuri, keep up the good work--my mother/father liked to party when i was young,-im52yrs old now but my sister died because of parents being drunk and using drugs. but i agree that alcohol is not the real problem, it the people who put it on the market-they make videos with young people drinking on television--thay make banners showing people having a good time,with cigarettes. but where is the warning material letting young people know that alcohol is a drug,an cause seriouse side effects if not used the right way--I throught that our government was suppose to look out for us.there is something very wrong with this picture--young people are most in danger of becomming addicted--if that doesnt get you depressed i dont know what will------mrfoot56

Q. willing to know the type of sugar which is harmless for consumption to maintain good health? I am a health conscious guy willing to know the type of sugar which is harmless for consumption to maintain good health?

A. Xylitol is a natural sweetener made from birch tree bark. It sounds bad, but I think it is much better than stevia, which can be bitter. It's fairly expensive, but worth it because it doesn't spike blood sugar levels.

Q. I want to know how it’s good for brain and heart and what its consumption limit per day? I love walnuts and I almost eat 4-6 walnuts per day. I know it’s good for brain and heart. My family does not have any history of heart attack. My family is a happy family and anyone can easily be jealous of our family. All our family members regularly take walnuts. I think the secret behind the happiness could be walnuts and its regular consumption. I want to know how it’s good for brain and heart and what its consumption limit per day?

A. as johnson10 said, walnuts have a big amount of Omega-3 in it, and that is it's big advantage. you see, the only way for us to get it is from deep see fish. and because not all of us eat fish- it's good that you can eat walnuts. omega-3 is a fatty acid that nerves membrane needs in order to function well.

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References in periodicals archive ?
EI = 0.75 x 0.70 x 0.90 x 0.75 or EI = 35.4 say 35 percent Overall irrigation efficiency at the basin level was nearly 35 percent, which was low as 65 percent water was lost before it was consumptively used by crops.
The analysis revealed that nearly 274 BCM water is available from all source, of which 130 BCM is available for use; nearly 68 BCM is consumptively used for crops, and 62 BCM are losses.
* Applied water that percolates into a salt sink is consumptively used.
Waste can be physically defined as the volume of flow diverted from a natural water supply that is not consumptively used by crops.(31) This definition is much broader than current legal definitions of waste(32) because it does not allow for any loss of water beyond that which is consumptively used by crops.
The state generally limits instream flow rights during the change of use proceeding to the amount consumptively used.(117)