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Related to consumptives: Extrapulmonary


1. Pathol relating to or affected with consumption, esp tuberculosis of the lungs
2. Pathol a person who suffers from consumption
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References in classic literature ?
He quotes with approval those admirable words from Goethe, "In der Beschrankung zeigt sich erst der Meister"; yet still always finds himself wavering between "frittering myself away on the infinitely little, and longing after what is unknown and distant." There is, doubtless, over and above the physical consumptive tendency, an instinctive turn of sentiment in this touching confession.
Do you know that if I were not consumptive, I would kill myself?"
The family were not consumptive, and she was more inclined to hope than fear for her cousin, except when she thought of Miss Crawford; but Miss Crawford gave her the idea of being the child of good luck, and to her selfishness and vanity it would be good luck to have Edmund the only son.
His reason for attempting this special line of business was that he had struck up an acquaintance with a consumptive tutor upon the voyage home, and that he had used this man's ability to make the undertaking a success.
"Officers be damned!" cried our consumptive, with a sound man's vigor.
two inches of sallow, sorrowful, consumptive tallow candle, that
Among his other disabilities, he was a consumptive, and I knew that if he attempted to bail, it might bring on a hemorrhage.
I heard a Carlisle woman behind me whisper that Cecily King looked consumptive, just like her Aunt Felicity; and I hated her fiercely for it.
The Wests were all inclined to be consumptive. So Frank came home and started farming.
The German playwright Friedrich Schiller and poet Novalis; the Polish composer Frederic Chopin; and the English poet John Keats rank among the best-known male consumptives of pre-Romantic and Romantic Europe.
We wiped out those killer diseases like diphtheria and scarlet fever and especially TB, which we think of now as an echo of Dickensian times, when tiny consumptives expired on every other page, of a time when Cardiff's rank little alleyways and courts were home to hundreds, tinder boxes to spark lethal outbreaks.
Whilst Nice had been a favourite spot for the English (especially consumptives) for over 100 years when she first arrived, her patronage increased the number of visitors and secured the region's fame.