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Related to anticyclonic: Anticyclonic rotation


descriptive of a weather system of high atmospheric pressure at sea level in which light winds flow spirally outwards, clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere, giving rise to settled weather conditions.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
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Strong mesoscale activity in the form of cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies was observed during our cruises in the Colombian Caribbean, with maximal activity in May and June 2008.
Meanwhile, the first of two anticyclonic tornadoes dissipated at 0112 UTC and the second one formed around 0115 UTC.
Instead, they found anticyclonic conditions and a huge pool of fresh water piled up in the Beaufort Sea and blocked by the gyre.
The oceanographic circulation in the Northern Gulf of California is dominated by a cyclonic gyre (counterclockwise) from May to September that reverses in direction to an anticyclonic gyre (clockwise) from October to April (Marinone 2012), and suggests that P.
The authors suggested an anticyclonic recirculation cell directly influenced by the SASG, where the SACW flows and, near the Brazil coast, feeds up into the BC flow between 20[degrees]S and 25[degrees]S at depth ranging between 100 and 500 meters.
The earliest freezing took place in early November with a sharp decrease in air temperatures and calm conditions (corresponding to an anticyclonic weather pattern).
In March, the SST satellite image showed also a front from northwest of Isla Angel de la Guarda to south of Isla Tiburon (Figure 3(a)), and an anticyclonic eddy northeast Isla San Jose was observed in the CHL satellite image of this month (Figure 3(d)).
It was within one of the many anticyclonic spells that we experience each year.
However, there are positive external effects on the environment and the human body, particularly from the weakening of solar activity and thereby reduced intensity variations of the geomagnetic field, strengthening the anticyclonic activity.