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descriptive of a weather system of high atmospheric pressure at sea level in which light winds flow spirally outwards, clockwise in the northern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the southern hemisphere, giving rise to settled weather conditions.
Collins Dictionary of Biology, 3rd ed. © W. G. Hale, V. A. Saunders, J. P. Margham 2005
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Interestingly, it is found that this extreme event would hardly have occurred without anthropogenic warming, which is linked to increased probability of occurrence of extremely enhanced anticyclones in the Okhotsk Sea by 2.5-3.2 times due to human-induced warming.
Lelieveld and his colleagues set out to find out what happened to these pollutants once they reached the anticyclone. The researchers travelled along the western part of the anticyclone, which is the sky between Cyprus and the Maldives, at an altitude between 9,000-15,000 metres.
In the back of each trough, there exists one anticyclone, each being a part of the South Asia high.
The large scale weather is comprised of ridging anticyclone and west coast trough which generates sustained easterly winds over the Cape Peninsula and cold upwelling plumes that extend >100 km seaward (Figures 3(b) and 4(a)-4(c)).
The core anticyclone provides successive ridges to feed lower level moist air toward the equally persistent low pressure trough across mid-continent.
During the anticyclone that began in mid-June, there were widely spaced isobars from the Atlantic into Russia, North Cape to the Sahara.
Stamm, qui menait la course vendredi, avait retrograde a la 3e place samedi matin, subissant a son tour les effets d'un anticyclone.
Simon Keeling, of Weather Online, said: "Just as autumn begins the weather settles as a large anticyclone develops and takes up station over the UK.
ANSWERS: 1 Greyhound racing; 2 Michael Jackson; 3 Blue; 4 Binding the ends of ropes to prevent them unravelling; 5 Colombia; 6 Hayley Mills; 7 The World is Full of Married Men; 8 Peter Scott; 9 Anticyclone; 10 George Monk.
That''s 400MW in total, but it will be NIL under a High Pressure anticyclone and NIL on a very stormy day!
Spatial variation in growth was analyzed across oceanographic features (anticyclone, front, and open ocean) for three of the five surveys, and significant differences in growth were observed during August 2006 collections (Table 4).