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Related to anticyclonic: Anticyclonic rotation


Referring to a rotation about the local vertical that is clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere, undefined at the Equator.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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In May-June 2008, a cyclonic eddy was present in Northeastern Colombia (the border with Venezuela), and an anticyclonic eddy in the central zone.
While the occluding circulation was significantly stronger during the later cycle, the most impactful storm-scale difference at the two times was the deep, anticyclonic vorticity on the west side of the hook echo at 0112 UTC (Figure 15(b), X = -8, y = 24) compared to the weak cyclonic vorticity observed at 2358 UTC (Figure 15(a), x = -58, y = 23).
Armed with these observations and monthly calculations of freshwater flow from Greenland, the scientists discerned a connection between the mysterious presence of fresh water in the Beaufort Sea and the gyre's surprisingly long-lasting anticyclonic circulation trend.
The migration rates lend support to the notion that directional migration of larval geoducks from San Felipe toward Puerto Penasco and Guaymas is strongly influenced by the anticyclonic (clockwise) circulation in the northern Gulf of California during winter (Marinone 2012)--the period that encompasses the spawning period for geoducks in the Gulf of California (Aragon-Noriega et al.
It is also possible to observe the presence of the bifurcation zones associated with the anticyclonic circulation that occurs in different water layers along SBB region feeding BC southward flow in higher latitudes and the northward NBC flow in lower latitudes (Figure 3).
The anticyclonic eddy registered in March was at least 79 km wide and was located over the Faralloen Basin, very close to the boundary between the MaG1 and MaG2 groups.
The tests included 1,000 cases of real ocean features, including 472 upwellings, 119 cloudy upwellings, 180 wakes, 10 anticyclonic eddies, 40 cyclonic eddies and 180 misclassified regions.
12.4 cal yrs ago), has provided the geomorphic data necessary to verify this anticyclonic circulation.
MJO comprises alternating cyclonic and anticyclonic regions that enhance and suppress rainfall, and flow eastward along the equator.
It is shown that the model explains the marked difference between the turbulence regimes on the cyclonic and anticyclonic sides of the stream.