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Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry. A national registry that prospectively collects observational data regarding the medical management of patients hospitalized with acute heart failure across the US; 250 participating hospitals have entered nearly 75,000 patients in ADHERE
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Among women with a family history who adhered to all three healthy behaviors, the rate of invasive breast cancer was 5.94 per 1,000 woman-years, compared with 6.97 per 1,000 woman-years among women who adhered to none of the behaviors, the study found.
Any incidents where it is believed the Heather and Grass Burning Regulations and accompanying Code have not been adhered to will be investigated by the Rural Inspectorate for Wales and enforcement action taken as appropriate.
Rossell follows bilingual education's gradual demise in California in the wake of Proposition 227--and finds that achievement is climbing slowly upward in schools that adhered to voters' wishes by abolishing the purest forms of bilingual education.
Decreasing the pouring temperature increased the amount of shiny sheets of carbonaceous films and deposits that adhered to the castings during shakeout.
Florida Power & Light Co., a subsidiary of FPL Group, adhered to regulatory rules and guidelines for recording capital expenditures and repair expenses, not only for regulatory accounting and financial reporting purposes, but also for Federal tax purposes.
Wouldn't it be easier for us to go on living in our cozy shells, immersed with only the view of the world we have adhered to all our lives?
Now, an anathema is a much stronger condemnation than a Millstone Award; indeed this one indicates that the first teaching of CORE is an outright heresy which, knowingly adhered to, places a person outside the Church.
"Kwanzaa is an annual celebration of principles that should be adhered to 365 days a year."
The flooring component has a top surface for being exposed after installation and a base surface, a pressure-sensitive adhesive carried on a foam tape applied and permanently adhered directly to the base surface of the flooring component for providing an attachment interface surface for adhering the flooring component to the subfloor, and a protective release cover applied and releasably adhered to the attachment interface surface of the adhesive to protect the adhesive until removal of the release cover when the flooring component is applied to the subfloor.
When rigid rules are adhered to by the developing YOT they often produce an unhealthy mix of neurosis and pride: `I can't meet these standards, so I'm a worthless piece of dirt, but hey, at least I've got standards, so I'm better than the rest of this immoral generation.' Rebellion usually follows.