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Dear Drivers We note that the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road under the Ring Road Bridge towards Mohammed bin Zayed Square will be partially closed from 10 pm today to 5 am tomorrow morning Please take caution and adhere to specified speeds #????_???????
'The President adheres to the rule of law; he wants due process.
Brigadier Gaith Hassan Al Zaabi, director-general of traffic coordination at the ministry, said that travellers should also be careful to adhere to the speed limit on the roads of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries, especially as Saudi Arabia has provisions for the death penalty for speedsters.
Because adhere brings together this proven range of products, customers can single-source with the confidence that everything will work together efficiently and cost-effectively, underpinned by Intertronics' experience and expert advice.
Listing the number of countries that do not adhere to the codes, the FSB said that Mauritius and Bahamas were among the 10 nations that have yet to 'demonstrate sufficiently strong adherence.'
Treating the surface of wood-plastic composite (WPC) boards with fluorine gas in the presence of oxygen oxidizes the surface so that ordinary paints and primers adhere as they do to natural wood.
Nutritionists then saw those women at least four times per year and encouraged them to adhere to the regimen.
Whether these fundamentals are tied to the casting process or management and marketing, we must respect and adhere to the details to ensure continued growth and success.
The Electrodeposition painting process involves vehicle bodies being immersed in a paint tank, with an electrical current passing through the steel parts causing the paint to adhere to the metal surfaces.
If he wants to set new, higher standards of conduct in Corporate America, he must himself adhere to those expectations.
Just seven weeks after the "Freedom Stone" was laid at Ground Zero, the rebuilding process was dealt another blow when the families of 9/11 victims filed legal action requesting that the construction at the site be temporarily halted until LMDC and the Port Authority adhere to their legally binding commitments to satisfy historic preservation requirements.
TEI addressed one issue in the case--the Franchise Tax Board's failure to adhere to the unitary business principle in administering California's research tax credit.