(redirected from Adherence Management)
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ADMAdditional Dealer Markup
ADMAsynchronous Disconnected Mode
ADMArcher Daniels Midland Company
ADMAverage Daily Membership (count of students in public education)
ADMAdministrative Template (Microsoft)
ADMArchitecture Development Method
ADMAstra Daihatsu Motor (Jakarta, Indonesia)
ADMAdvanced Development Model
ADMAutomated Decision Making
ADMAssistant Deputy Minister (Government of Canada)
ADMAdriamycin (pharmacology)
ADMAdministration Building
ADMAdd/Drop Multiplexer
ADMAide au Diagnostic Médical (database/base de données)
ADMArchiv der Mathematik (German: The Mathematics Archives)
ADMAdvanced Diploma in Management (various locations)
ADMAéroports de Montréal (French: Montreal Airports; airport authority; Canada)
ADMAsociación de Dirigentes de Marketing (Spanish: Marketing Managers Association; Uruguay)
ADMArmes de Destruction Massive (French: Weapons of Mass Destruction WMD)
ADMAbu Dhabi Media (Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates)
ADMAdvanced Data Mining (engineering software)
ADMAudioRealism Drum Machine
ADMApplication Data Management (software)
ADMArchitecture-Driven Modernization
ADMAssessment for Decision-Makers (Scientific Assessment of Ozone Depletion)
ADMAustrian Death Machine (band)
ADMArnowitt-Deser-Misner (physics theory)
ADMAdd Word in Memory
ADMApple Drive Module
ADMAstra Daihatsu Motor
ADMAdd-on Module
ADMAsynchronous Disconnect Mode
ADMAdd Drop Multiplexers
ADMAta Disk Module
ADMAustro Daimler
ADMActive Device Mount
ADMAssyrian Democratic Movement (Iraq)
ADMAbstract Data Model (computing)
ADMApparel Design and Merchandising (education)
ADMApplication Dependency Mapping
ADMAcquisition Decision Memorandum
ADMAverage Days on Market (real estate)
ADMAnti-Depressant Medication
ADMAeronautical Decision Making (aviation)
ADMAlcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health
ADMArmas de Destrucción Masiva (Spanish: Weapons of Mass Destruction)
ADMApple Drive Module (computer hard drive)
ADMAssociation des Maires (French: Association of Mayors)
ADMApplication Discovery Manager (software)
ADMAssociate Deputy Minister
ADMAnglican Diocese of Melbourne (Melbourne, Australia)
ADMAbductor Digiti Minimi
ADMAdvanced Document Management (software)
ADMAdvertising Design Marketing (various locations)
ADMAlternative Delivery Method
ADMAdaptive Delta Modulation
ADMApplication Development & Maintenance
ADMAtomic Demolition Munition(s)
ADMAnimal Damage Management (various organizations)
ADMAcellular Dermis Matrix (breast reconstruction)
ADMAerospace, Defense & Marine (TE Connectivity)
ADMAbu Dhabi Municipality
ADMAssociation for Downloadable Media
ADMAbsolute Distance Meter (instrumentation)
ADMAnti-Dumping Measure (trade; various organizations)
ADMAdherence Management (Behavioral Education and Research Services, Inc.)
ADMDemocratic Alliance for Change (Cape Verde)
ADMArrow Diagram Method
ADMAdd-Drop Multiplex
ADMAltair Data Manager (product development software)
ADMAssistant District Manager
ADMAy Dios Mio (Spanish: Oh My God; Internet slang)
ADMAmplitude Difference Measure
ADMAdel, Desoto, Minburn (Iowa school district)
ADMAir Data Module
ADMAmerica's Defense Monitor (Center for Defense Information)
ADMAcademy of Dental Materials
ADMAnderson Direct Marketing (Poway, CA)
ADMAgency Debit Memo
ADMAustralian Defence Magazine
ADMAsterisk Desktop Manager (software)
ADMAbsolute Distance Measurement (instrumentation)
ADMApplication Development & Management
ADMAdobe Dialog Manager
ADMAssistant Division Manager
ADMAIDS Defining Malignancy
ADMAdvanced Designated Marksman (US DoD)
ADMAngular Dependence Model
ADMAnimal-Derived Material
ADMArtificial Dielectric Medium
ADMAirport Duty Manager
ADMAngular Distribution Model
ADMAir-launched Decoy Missile
ADMAfrican Democratic Movement
ADMAction Description Memorandum
ADMAmbulatory Data Module
ADMAge Doesn't Matter
ADMAgent Debit Memo (International Air Transport Association)
ADMAccount Delivery Manager
ADMAnnals of Discrete Mathematics
ADMAlpes Dauphiné Matériaux (French general electric company)
ADMAttorney Decision Maker (US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs)
ADMAntenna Deployment Mechanism
ADMAssistance, Dépannage, Maintenance (French: Support, Troubleshooting, Maintenance)
ADMAll Digital Mode
ADMAnalog to Digital Module
ADMAir Decoy Missile
ADMAutomatic Display Mode
ADMAgarose Diffusion Method
ADMA Dumb Machine
ADMArchitectural Design Manual
ADMAda Development Method
ADMApplication Distribution Module
ADMAmerican Dime Museum
ADMAirside Duty Manager (airport security operations)
ADMAssociazione per la Difesa dei Diritti delle Minoranze (Italian)
ADMApplications of Discrete Mathematics
ADMAgile Development Method
ADMAeronautical Data Maintenance
ADMArray Decomposition Method
ADMAssociation pour le Développement Médical au Vietnam (French: Association for the Medical Development in Vietnam)
ADMArea Denial Munition
ADMAlternate Deposition Mode
ADMAdditional Dealer Margin
ADMAmpere Demand Meter
ADMAcceptance of Disability Modified (pscyhology)
ADMAdd-on Data Modules
ADMArea Division Multiplexing
ADMAdministrative Message Manager
ADMAutomatic Detection Mark
ADMAsphalt Drum Mixer, Inc.
ADMautism dysmorphology measure
ADMAutomatic Disbursing Modules
ADMArdmore, Oklahoma, USA - Ardmore Municipal Airport
ADMAffiliated Dress Manufacturers (New York, NY)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
With a seamless patient management platform and supporting tools, Thrifty White affiliates can execute medication synchronization, immunizations, health screenings, diseases state management, diabetes prevention, adherence management, medication therapy management, opioid management and several other custom programs.
In this study, a textile sensor was fabricated by using conductive textile to implement a Medication adherence management system.
Digital Health Zone features Medication Adherence Management Solutions and Apps, Mobile Prescription Renewal Apps, Disease Management Devices and Apps, Next Generation Sensors for Disease Diagnosis and Monitoring, Subject and Data Management for Clinical Trials, Patient-Centric and Patient-Specific Data Capture and Reporting Solutions, and Personalized Marketing Solutions
All sites had active systems of treatment preparation and adherence management while laboratory and drug supply systems functioned smoothly.
Members will receive education packets (available in both English and Spanish), placement in the Adherence Management System, and adherence tools.
With a seamless patient management platform and supporting tools, Thrifty White can execute medication synchronization, immunizations, health screenings, disease-state management, diabetes prevention, adherence management, medication therapy management and opioid management, the partners pointed out.
The company said Rite Aid Specialty Pharmacy achieves that through individualized patient care plans, disease and drug education, and ongoing adherence management.
"This support begins when a patient first enrolls with CVS Caremark Specialty Pharmacy and is assigned a pharmacist-led team that provides personalized care and therapy management, including ongoing counseling, education and adherence management."
Each patient filling a specialty prescription with Caremark is offered an array of services, including benefits verification and assistance with prior authorizations, around-the-clock patient support and counseling, condition education, care coordination, proactive refill calls, adherence management, side effects management and optimized product delivery.