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TRAITOR, crimes. One guilty of treason.
     2. The punishment of a traitor is death.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in classic literature ?
"To the traitors! that means us!" said the prisoner, raising his eyes to heaven and shrugging his shoulders.
KARACHI -- Pasban Democratic Party (PDP) Chairman Altaf Shakoor has expressed grave concern over the rumors that rulers were striking a hidden deal to release the traitor, Dr Shakil Afridi.
'We too have slammed each other for being a traitor and this process of distributing treason certificates should be stopped,' he further said.
We too have slammed each other as traitor and this process of distributing treason certificates should be stopped.' Once they called Mohsin Dawar a national hero and today he is being declared as a traitor, Kaira said.
Expressing irk over the trend of patriotism in the country Akhtar Mengal said, with irony we labelled Fatima Jinnah as traitor who were the sister of Qaid e Azam and strived for independence,
A Conservative Brexiteer has been accused of being a liar and a traitor by a Brexit-supporting member of the public as he gave a television interview.
THIS is apropos the editorial 'Who is a traitor?' (May 1) in which you have criticised director-general of
Often, the traitor or traitors are already identified and even known by their names.
ISLAMABAD -- Federal Minister for Communication Murad Saeed on Friday said Nawaz Sharif's statement was used against Pakistan in International Court of Justice and the former prime minister' s name is now coming out as a traitor.
Addressing a mass rally at Wad-al-Haddad town in South Gezira Locality Tuesday, President Al-Bashir considered the mass rally as a response to any traitor , agent and to those made up rumors about his arrest , saying "Now I am standing amidst you, vowing to pursue and drag them out.
Former Port Dickson MP First Admiral Datuk Danyal Balagopal Abdullah said he was not a 'traitor' to his constituents for vacating his seat to give way to PKR president-elect Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
The Traitor's Ruin is an adventure with a heaping portion of romance set in a world of kingdoms at the brink of conflict.