TRAJTimed Repetitive Ankle Jerk
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where traji [member of] Traj. S [subset] Stay is the set of stay points which is extracted from traji.
Jones, Traj: Group-based modeling of longitudinal data, 2017,
The subelements of the traj element are flight (flight information), route, refTraj (reference trajectory), altTols (altitude tolerances), and alongTols (along-track tolerances).
At T1, a lengthy evaluation took place at the Montreal Children's Hospital within the framework of the TRAJ project.
Prince Faisal bin Khaled ordered aid for the villages in the east of Traj valley that had been isolated due to the rain.
For the case when the exoskeleton is performing standing up motion by moving its center of mass along a given traj ectory, admissible regions for control system's parameters were obtained.
Much of the AASM's reduced collateral damage characteristics are not only owed to the metric precision of its homing head, but also to the weapon's ability to follow a programmed traj ectory that allows it to climb to a suitable altitude and then take an almost perfectly vertical dive onto its target.
Nesse sentido, e valido ressaltar que, apesar do presente estudo apresentar dados expressivos acerca das redes sociais, dos vinculos estabelecidos com pessoas significativas e da dinamica das relacoes familiares de mulheres com TAs, os resultados encontrados sao pontuais e nao podem ser considerados estaticos, mas sim como concernentes a um momento especifico da traj etoria de vida das participantes.