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COMMUNITY. This word has several meanings; when used in common parlance it signifies the body of the people.
     2. In the civil law, by community is understood corporations, or bodies politic. Dig. 3, 4.
     3. In the French law, which has been adopted in this respect in Louisiana, Civ. Code, art. 2371, community is a species of partnership, which a man and woman contract when they are lawfully married to each other. It consists of the profits of all, the effects of which the husband has the administration and enjoyment, either of right or in fact; of the produce of the reciprocal industry and labor of both husband and wife, and of the estates which they may acquire during the marriage, either by donations made jointly to them, or by purchase, or in any other similar way, even although the purchase he made in the name of one of the two, and not of both; because in that case the period of time when the purchase is made is alone attended to, and not the person who made the purchase. 10 L. R. 146; Id. 172, 181; 1 N. S. 325; 4 N. S. 212. The debts contracted during the marriage enter into the community, and must be acquitted out of the common fund; but not the debts contracted before the marriage.
     4. The community is either, first, conventional, or that which is formed by an express agreement in the contract of marriage itself; by this contract the legal community may be modified, as to the proportions which each shall take, or as to the things which shall compose it; Civ. Code of L. art. 2393; second, legal, which takes place when the parties make no agreement on this subject in the contract of marriage; when it is regulated by the law of the domicil they had at the time of marriage.
     5. The effects which compose the community of gains, are divided into two equal portions between the heirs, at the dissolution of the marriage. Civ. Code of L. art. 2375. See Poth. h.t.; Toull. h.t.; Civ. Code of Lo. tit. 6, c. 2, s. 4.
     6. In another sense, community is the right which all men have, according to the laws of nature, to use all things. Wolff, Inst. Sec. 186.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
"Alcohol Use among Fraternity and Sorority Members: Looking at Change over Time." Journal of Alcohol and Drug Education 473:51-66.
"Those who wanted to join the fraternity had to undergo interviews and orientations followed by a period when the aspiring member is asked to do humiliating acts in public.
Couturie said his fraternity feels partially responsible as a member of the UO Greek system.
Under the terms of the merger agreement, Fraternity Community Bancorp, Inc.
An incident involving Oklahoma University's chapter of Sigma Alpha Epsilon sparked a national conversation about college Greek culture in March, when a video surfaced of a fraternity brother singing a racist chant.
After being on probation for most of the previous three years, the fraternity was suspended in October for hosting an unregistered party for about 70 people in August and for a March 2014 party that featured rum, whiskey and other liquor without having a designated server or someone checking IDs.
Fraternity Community Bancorp is the holding company for Fraternity Federal Savings and Loan Association, founded in 1913.
Continue reading "Swastikas Spray Painted Outside Jewish Fraternity House at University of Oregon" at...
The fraternity I joined ensured growth as a scholar, leader, athlete, and gentleman.
Popov and Bernhardt, using a "three-signal setting" to determine three kinds of equilibriums, find that data support a "single-peaked" equilibrium, in which the majority of fraternity members fall into the intermediate skill-level category--some less able students apply but are accepted only if they have strong socializing skills, while students with greater ability but lacking socializing skills do not apply.
In addition to a difficult $1.7 million major renovation project, another successful fraternity brother said it was lime to jettison the popular "Animal House" image of toga parties and debauchery.

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