fraternity and sorority

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fraternity and sorority

fraternity and sorority, in American colleges, a student society formed for social purposes, into which members are initiated by invitation and occasionally by a period of trial known as hazing. Fraternities are usually named by two or three Greek letters and are also known as Greek-letter societies; women's Greek-letter societies are commonly called sororities. The oldest Greek-letter society is Phi Beta Kappa, founded (1776) at the College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Va. It soon became a scholarship honor society. After 1830 the literary societies that existed in many colleges were slowly supplanted by fraternities modeled on the three established (1825–27) at Union College. After 1870 many professional and honorary fraternities were established to give recognition to scholarship in various fields. Most fraternities and sororities, however, serve mainly as social clubs. The typical Greek-letter society owns or rents a house that is used as a residence hall for members and as a center for social activities. Some Greek-letter societies have only one local organization or chapter; others are nationally organized with chapters in several institutions. The Interfraternity Conference (1909) and the National Panhellenic Congress (1929) were established to consult on the common interests of American fraternities and sororities. Because many fraternities only admit new members on the basis of a unanimous vote, many of the organizations have been able to maintain discriminatory entrance policies. For this reason, and because of incidents of violent or abusive hazing, fraternities are forbidden on some campuses and their activities severely curtailed on many others.


See W. R. Baird, Manual of American College Fraternities (rev. ed. 1949); W. A. Scott, Values and Organizations: A Study of Fraternities and Sororities (1965).

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"University leaders will now have a dedicated center for the study of best practices and assessment in fraternity and sorority life."
Fraternity and sorority members have had one of the highest rates of smoking among college students for over 30 years (Emmons, Wechsler, Dowdall, & Abraham, 1998; Rigotti, Lee, & Wechsler, 2000), yet there have been relatively few studies exploring the specific social influences promoting smoking in these groups or effective intervention strategies specifically targeting them.
On the basis of CDC guidance, PHSKC recommended an additional dose of MMR vaccine to protect fraternity and sorority members who were subject to potential mumps exposure (2).
The fraternity's motto 'Vincit Omnia Veritas' meaning 'Truth Conquers All' or 'Truth Prevails' comes from the emblem of the University of Santo Tomas where the Alpha Kappa Rho Fraternity and Sorority was founded.
The allure and appeal of the Black fraternity and sorority cannot be overstated.
Powers also added, "These costumes and this group do not represent fraternity and sorority life at Penn State, nor the 95,000 students who attend our University.
Architecture of Little Rock to design infrastructure for fraternity and sorority housing.
Fitchburg State College fraternity and sorority members spent 12 hours outside in cardboard boxes to raise awareness of the homeless who live on the streets of Fitchburg and to raise money for Our Father's House, a shelter near the campus for homeless men and women.
Changing the availability of alcohol in the environment will be more easily achieved with the cooperation of fraternity and sorority leadership.
An innovative psychoeducational intervention designed to raise awareness, teach skills, and affect attitudes toward dating violence was presented to fraternity and sorority members.
ASU is one of very few campuses to have both a fraternity and sorority targeted at queer students.
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