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US and Canadian a secret society joined by male students, usually functioning as a social club
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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In the wake of the documents' release, dozens of students occupied the Phi Psi house and called for both fraternities to be shut down and the buildings put to other uses.
Both fraternities announced the disbandment of the Swarthmore chapters Tuesday night on their respective Facebook pages.
Piazza Center for Fraternity and Sorority Research and Reform, named after a sophomore who died in a 2017 hazing incident, will produce a national scorecard on fraternities and sororities.
"Fraternities are the worst," Vanessa Grigoriadis, the author of Blurred Lines, a book about sex, power, and consent on campus, told me.
Perhaps many have been desensitized to the drug killings and the 'culture of violence' enabled by this administration, but the idea of UP students engaging in violent rumbles and coming up with scandalous statements rightfully rankles sensibilities - and raises the question of what values fraternities engender.
West Virginia University says it has banned five fraternities from campus for at least 10 years.
As DeSimone (2007, 338) notes, there is concern that "students choose to join fraternities in part because of preexisting preferences toward behaviors that membership facilitates." Thus, it is difficult to tell whether fraternity membership decreases grades and increases drinking and social networking, or whether low achieving, hard drinking, and highly social students select into fraternities.
Second, fraternities and sororities originally arose as secret societies because college authorities banned them for competing with churches.
Mandating fraternities, sororities and other organizations, as a condition for the grant of accreditation, recognition or registration, to submit the name of their respective faculty adviser who consents to his or her appointment.
Student fraternities emerged in the late 1700s as an extension of literary societies and debate clubs.
Lambda Chi Alpha has faced a fierce public backlash following the party, though other UO fraternities and Greek organizations from other universities attended.
Almost a year after an alcohol-related student death and a fraternity party featuring a banner that read "No Means Yes, Yes Means Anal," Texas Tech University has boosted its oversight of fraternities and sororities in time for this year's fall recruitment.

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