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US and Canadian a secret society joined by male students, usually functioning as a social club
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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A fourth requested, in the name of the whole medical fraternity, that Cotton Mather would confine his attention to people's souls, and leave the physicians to take care of their bodies.
But here will be another disappointment; for we can attempt no more than merely to associate in one fraternity all who are afflicted with the same vague trouble.
A grim fraternity, passing grim lives in that sweet spot, that God had made so bright!
"I imagine that Freemasonry is the fraternity and equality of men who have virtuous aims," said Pierre, feeling ashamed of the inadequacy of his words for the solemnity of the moment, as he spoke.
He had been a classmate of Bowen Tyler at college, and a fraternity brother, and before, that he had been an impoverished and improvident cow-puncher on one of the great Tyler ranches.
Engaging, heart and soul, in his pursuits of sowing, planting, and gathering, Van Baerle, caressed by the whole fraternity of tulip-growers in Europe, entertained nor the least suspicion that there was at his very door a pretender whose throne he had usurped.
Alpha Phi Alpha alumni and COBGO founder described the changes in the pledging process as a loss of long-standing fraternity traditions due to members' abuse of the rituals and the meaning behind practices.
Today, it is registered as an International Humanitarian Service Fraternity that encourages members to be involved in humanitarian projects and offer various services to people.
The Alpha Sigma Phi fraternity started the Supplies for Shasta drive on Saturday, hoping to raise $3,000 for the Shasta Family YMCA and its youth camping program.
(NASDAQ: HBK) and its Hamilton Bank subsidiary have received of required regulatory approval for the merger with Fraternity Community Bancorp, Inc.
The 39 policy changes were recommended by a 12-member advisory panel created last fall after Texas Tech freshman Dalton Debrick died from alcohol poisoning while drinking at an event for students rushing a "colony," a local fraternity chapter waiting to receive official recognition from its national office.
Attorney George Ostler said Wednesday that the fraternity acknowledges that a small group of members voluntarily chose to get body brands, but said the practice was never a condition of membership and has since stopped.

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