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To support or enhance the believability of a fact or assertion by the presentation of additional information that confirms the truthfulness of the item.

The testimony of a witness is corroborated if subsequent evidence, such as a coroner's report or the testimony of other witnesses, substantiates it.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


v. to confirm and sometimes add substantiating (reinforcing) testimony to the testimony of another witness or a party in a trial. (See: corroborating evidence)

Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill. All Right reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Ten witnesses interviewed by the FBI, meticulously detailed, and not a single piece of corroborating evidence.
"The testimony of Aspillaga before the Senate Blue Ribbon Committee cannot be considered as corroborating evidence since it is still Aspillaga's testimony," the resolution stated.
Asked if the new witnesses would have new revelations apart from what the two self-proclaimed assassins had already testified in the Senate, Trillanes said, 'Meron bago and merong (There are new and there are) corroborating statements.
(19) An IJ may still require an asylum seeker to provide corroborating evidence in order to sustain her burden of proof, despite finding the applicant's testimony credible, persuasive, and specific.
The force said officers have looked into whether there are witnesses who would speak to police and are now investigating if there is corroborating evidence to back up claims against Lord Rennard.
It tends to make the admission reliable, thus corroborating it
Otherwise, prosecutors are required to have additional, corroborating evidence before charging someone with a crime.
"It's one of the most exciting findings in recent years," says Marius Wernig of the Whitehead Institute of Biomedical Research in Cambridge, Mass., coauthor of one of the corroborating studies, which also appears in Nature.
The AICPA issued three auditing technical practice aids (TPAs): Consideration of Impact of Losses From Natural Disasters Occurring After Completion of Audit Field Work and Signing of the Auditor's Report But Before Issuance of the Auditor's Report and Related Financial Statements; Audit Considerations When Client Evidence and Corroborating Evidence in Support of the Financial Statements Has Been Destroyed by Fire, Flood, or Natural Disaster and Considerations When Audit Documentation Has Been Destroyed by Fire, Flood, or Natural Disaster.
Originally disdained as a hoax by scholars and theologians, The Unknown Life of Jesus has since acquired some credibility as corroborating information surfaced.
The ASB's recommended revision grew out of its consideration of Practice Alert 2003-1, "Audit Confirmations," and recommendations relevant to the use of confirmations in "The Panel on Audit Effectiveness, Report and Recommendations, August 31, 2000." Furthermore, the ASB recommended that research be undertaken to explore whether there are more effective means of obtaining corroborating evidence than the confirmation process.
Ironically, as Estrich noted in 1991, the greater willingness of prosecutors to pursue sexual assault cases in which the use of force is minimal and there is little corroborating evidence of injury makes the issue of the woman's credibility much more important, and thus gives the defense a greater incentive for attacks on her character.