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Words related to corroborant

used of a medicine that is strengthening

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References in periodicals archive ?
"Since this had been unsuccessfully set, it occasioned advice from my surgeon to try the mineral waters of Aix, in Provence, as a corroborant. I left Paris for that place, therefore, on 28th of February, and proceeded up the Seine, through Champagne and Burgundy, and down the Rhone through the Beaujolais.
Quant on veut lui parler de verite, il ecoute moins car il est attire par le jeu [beaucoup plus grand que], y voit-il, corroborant son constat par une replique de Moliere sur l'attitude de son public, riant a toutes les farces, mais se montrant moins regardant sur leurs symboliques et leurs portees.
Autre episode corroborant la fonction epiphanique de l'art.