CORROCentral Overseas Recruiting And Rotation Office
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But the protestant (Corro) actually does not want the ballot boxes to be opened because people might know that my lead over him is more than the official count,' Loot said in a text message to the Inquirer.
KMC Regional Office President, Tae-Jin Park turned over US$46,000 to Habitat for Humanity-Philippines represented by Rommel Corro.
The car Archival was riding had already reached Barangay Corro in Dalaguete town when the ambush took place.
Corro said a thorough investigation should be conducted before any legal actions could be taken against the shipping company.
But electricity has not yet been fully recovered in Daanbantayan especially since it is away from the backbone network," said Daabantayan Mayor Augusto Corro.
MB2 Talents and Young Performers Songspell Christopher Corro with Mrs.
Mayor Augusto Corro of Daanbantayan town in the northern tip of Cebu said he could not accept his loss to Vicente Loot, who retired from the police service last year.