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Notes: Correll and Correl (1982) treated this species as Cynanchum stipitatum Correll.
* Mayor vinculacion con Estados Unidos, medida por el coeficiente de correlacion entre el crecimiento de cada entidad federativa y el crecimiento de aquel pais (CORREL 9406), o una medida mas elaborada, como el coeficiente de elasticidad que senala la sensibilidad de los componente tendencia-ciclo de los Indices Coincidentes Estatales de Mexico con respecto del componente tendencia-ciclo del Indice Coincidente de Estados Unidos (ELAST0310), mayor Indice de Semejanza Recesiva (ISREF09), y a menor Participacion del Gasto Publico en el PIBE (PGPD09), entonces menor tasa de crecimiento del PIBE en la recesion (IREF09).
Furthermore, 1,4-D blood concentrations and urinary DCP concentrations were correl ated among the 1,381 NHANES 2003-2004 and 2005-2006 adult participants with available data (2,5-DCP: r = 0.74; 2,4-DCP: r = 0.69, bothp < 0.0001).
correl. error of indexes items score Emotional intelligence and internal control 0.490 0.282 2.55 Values, principles, ethics 0.518 0.338 2.48 Optimism, hope and sense of humor 0.590 0.369 2.12 Social skills and relationships 0.530 0.358 2.12 Acceptance and adaptation 0.446 0.278 2.20 Internal congruency 0.499 0.337 1.88 Total score 0.529 0.288 5.53 Table 3 Descriptive statistics of the scores of each scale Scale Theoretical Mean S.
Present trials 97.4% 65.5% 34.4% Correl. (RT) 0.491 (*) -0.498 (*) 0.223 P value (Regr.) 0.028 0.025 n.s.
29.07 85.51 87.69 84.91 83.27 correl. / -.3766 -.5467 -.5680 .2930 The significant unknown element in this partially deciphered picture is represented by those Eastern European countries for which only 1999 and 2008 EVS data are available: Lithuania and Estonia in the Baltic area; Croatia in Central Europe; Greece and Turkey in South-Eastern Europe; and the former CSI countries Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.
Table 1: Monetary stability indicators' effectiveness in predicting category membership to specific monetary policy objectives Predictors Broad Inflation Inflation Monetary money (CPI) (GDP Aggregate M2 Tests Deflator) Eigenvalue .003 .025 .015 .004 Canonical Correl. .055 .155 .122 .062 Box's M (F statistic) 16.114 1.500 .062 3.834 Wilks' Lambda .997 .976 .985 .996 Chi-square .337 2.672 1.655 .419 Sig.