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Category filter:
CDRCompact Disc Recordable
CDRCorelDRAW File (file extension)
CDRCall-Detail Record
CDRCritical Design Review
CDRCentral Data Repository
CDRComitè de Defensa de La República (Catalan: Defense Committee of the Republic; Spain)
CDRConductor (music)
CDRCooldown Reduction (gaming statistic)
CDRClock and Data Recovery
CDRCall Detail Recording
CDRChris Douglas-Roberts (former University of Memphis Basketball Player)
CDRCrash Data Retrieval (various organizations)
CDRCommission on Dietetic Registration
CDRClinical Data Repository
CDRComplementarity Determining Regions (immunology)
CDRComitato delle Regioni (Italian: Committee of the Regions; EU)
CDRClinical Dementia Rating
CDRClinical Decision Rule
CDRChild Development Resources (various locations)
CDRCall Detail Record
CDRCharging Detail Record
CDRClock Divider Register
CDRClock Data Recovery
CDRCorel Draw
CDRCrude Death Rate
CDRContinuing Disability Review
CDRCorporate Debt Restructuring
CDRCitigate Dewe Rogerson (public relations firm; UK)
CDRCentre de Ressources (French: Resource Center; various organizations)
CDRCall Data Record
CDRCommon Drug Review (Canada)
CDRCombatant Commander (formerly CINC, Commander in Chief)
CDRCentre de Recherche (French: Research Center)
CDRConflict and Dispute Resolution (Master's degree program; University of Oregon)
CDRCommunicable Disease Report
CDRCenter for Design Research (Stanford)
CDRCommon Data Repository (various organizations)
CDRCentre for Development Research (Copenhagen)
CDRCombustibile Derivato dai Rifiuti (Italian: Waste-Derived Fuel)
CDRCouncil for Development and Reconstruction (Lebanon)
CDRCarbon Dioxide Recovery (industrial plants)
CDRConsortium de Realisation (French: Consortium of Achievement; finance)
CDRCall Detail Reporting
CDRComité de Defensa de la Revolución (Committee of Defense of the Revolution, Cuba)
CDRClayton, Dubilier & Rice (buyout partnership)
CDRCohort Default Rate (student loans)
CDRCenter for Dairy Research
CDRCommon Data Representation
CDRConceptual Design Report
CDRCommunity Driven Reconstruction
CDRCentrale Discotheek Rotterdam (Dutch: Rotterdam Central Music; Rotterdam, Netherlands)
CDRColorado Department of Revenue
CDRCenter for Democratic Renewal (Atlanta, GA)
CDRCouncil for Disability Rights
CDRContinuous Data Replication
CDRCommitted Data Rate
CDRCompact Disk Recorder
CDRComprehensive Design Review (various organizations)
CDRCoalition of Democratic Reform (Bahamas)
CDRCredit Derivatives Research
CDRCircular Depolarization Ratio
CDRCustomer Design Review
CDRContents of Decrement Register
CDRConstruction Dispute Resolution
CDRCentre Dramatique Régional (French: Regional Drama Center)
CDRCharging Data Record
CDRComputed Dental Radiography
CDRClimate Data Record
CDRColumbus Day Regatta (annual sailboat race off the coast of South Florida)
CDRCasual Dining Restaurant (sector)
CDRChristian Disaster Response
CDRContract Discrepancy Report
CDRCup-Disc Ratio
CDRCertified Diversity Recruiter
CDRConnected Digit Recognition
CDRContract Data Requirement
CDRCoded Departure Routes (severe weather air traffic)
CDRChadron, NE, USA (Airport Code)
CDRCompound Document by Reference
CDRContinuous Data Recording
CDRCancer Detection Rate
CDRClassified Document Register
CDRCertificate in Dispute Resolution
CDRConcept Design Review
CDRConfidential Draft Report (Canada)
CDRCommon Deleted Region
CDRContinuous Disclosure Review (Canada)
CDRContribution au Développement Rural
CDRChina Depository Receipts
CDRCall Dial Rerouting
CDRContents of Decrement of Register (part of a generalized list without the first element, in LISP)
CDRConstant Density Recording
CDRConditional Default Rate
CDRCanadian Dachshund Rescue (Canada)
CDRCentral Data Recorder
CDRConcept Definition Report
CDRCentre for Development and Research (India)
CDRChemical Description Room
CDRCompression Dynamic Range
CDRConnaissance des Religions (French: Knowledge of Religions; journal)
CDRCompetition Dirt Riders
CDRCash Data Retrieval
CDRCargo Delivery Receipt
CDRChinese Depositary Receipts
CDRConceptual Design Requirement
CDRCertified Dental Receptionist
CDRCargo Drop Reel
CDRCollision Deductible Reduction
CDRClaims Detail Report
CDRCerebellar Degeneration-Related Autoantigen
CDRCrash Damage Repair
CDRCall-Dropping Rate
CDRCleaning, Decontamination Request (NASA)
CDRControlled Drug Record
CDRConcept Development Record
CDRCenter for Cooperative Resolution (US NIH)
CDRContainer Depot & Repair
CDRContinuous Data Rate
CDRConical Dielectric Resonator
CDRCounterdetection Range
CDRConoco Drag Reducer
CDRCreative Development Research
CDRCorrelated Data Report
CDRCombat Deployable Radio
CDRCatalogue des Documents de Référence (French: Reference Documents Catalogue; Belgium)
CDRConstruire Décorer Rénover (French building renovation company)
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