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a native assembly of sacred, festive, or warlike character
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005
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They greatly enjoyed singing verses from the non-sacred songs associated with the indigenous folk dances now generally called 'corroborees'.
Like a Rhenish "corroboree" (Durkheim 1995 [1912]: 217), carnival sets the ordinary conditions of life aside and constitutes an effervescent social environment.
Aborigines provide spectacle in the form of corroborees for white tourists when they undertake sojourns in the outback.
She conflates his reports of woollas and corroborees before and after Hornet Bank, moves the scene to Hawkwood and portrays herself as a child observer of a corroboree that she describes as a forerunner of Hornet Bank, dramatically declaring that perhaps if she had told her parents what she had seen at the corroboree she could have prevented the attack.
He was honoured by being invited to attend many of their ceremonies, including corroborees and the burial of an elder; he later sensitively described the people's grief and the funeral rituals.
Similarly, by allowing corroborees to be performed on 'waste ground' the authorities demonstrate that such activities have been appropriated by the colonial order.
(9) On traditional Aboriginal funerals and corroborees, see Huggins and Huggins, Auntie Rita, pp.
For example, 1931 - a decade after the establishment of the Mission - was characterized by what the missionary Margaret Morgan (1986: 121-123) described as "some of the worst corroborees." Of course, such ceremonies do not appear as acts of resistance to outsiders, but the missionaries were under no illusions about the directness and the power of the struggle, viewing these corroborees as "a major confrontation with the gospel." Moreover, the Ngaanyatjarra made concerted efforts to undo the work wrought by Christianizing missionaries on their young people.