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n.1.Anything that corrodes.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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The metal thus becomes the anode of the corrosion cell but it does not corrode in depth because the first corrosion product formed is a tightly adherent protective film which insulates, and protects, the metal both physically and electrically from the corrodent." [1]
The corrosion test was performed in a large tank containing 5 L of 10%HCl aqueous solution as corrodent with room temperature (25[degrees] C) and not stirred or aerated.
Aux egoismes de tous genres qui corrodent les liens du vivre ensemble, nous opposerons un projet de societe base sur la mutualisation et le partage.
The adsorption bond strength is dependent on the composition of the metal, corrodent, inhibitor structure, concentration, and orientation as well as temperature.
Organic corrosion inhibitors [43-44] may function by (a) chemisorptions of the molecule on a metallic surface, (b) complexing of the molecule with the metal ion, which remains in a solid state, (c) neutralizing the corrodent and (d) adsorbing the corrodent.
6, it would be seen that the pH of the corrodent decreased as the immersion time increased indicating that enhancement in the rate of corrosion as the period of immersion increase was due to increase in acidity.Corrosion of mild steel is an electrochemical process involving the following cathodic and anodic half reactions:
In cases where a porous hard surfacing has been applied for wear, corrosive wear has been seen as the corrodent penetrated the coating.