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v. cor·rod·ed, cor·rod·ing, cor·rodes
1. To destroy (a metal or alloy) gradually, especially by oxidation or chemical action: The acid corroded the metal.
2. To impair steadily; deteriorate: "Doubt and mistrust could creep into our lives, corroding personal and professional relationships" (Philip Taubman).
To be eaten or worn away.

[Middle English corroden, from Latin corrōdere, to gnaw away : com-, intensive pref.; see com- + rōdere, to gnaw; see rēd- in Indo-European roots.]

cor·rod′i·ble, cor·ro′si·ble (-rō′sə-bəl) adj.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
It is possible to purchase pure, easily corrodible metals from chemistry suppliers, but this can be expensive.
Biodegradable twines, galvanic time releases, and corrodible hog rings are among the most commonly used devices to deactivate pots and traps (e.g., Scarsbrook et al., 1988; Kimker, 1990; Gagnon & Boudreau, 1991; Kruse & Kimker, 1993; Selliah et al., 2001; Redekopp et al., 2006; Barnard, 2008; Kim et al., 2014).
Each PSAT was equipped with a corrodible burn pin that detaches the tag on a preprogrammed date (90-365 d) or when the PSAT has been at a constant depth ([+ or -]5 m) for a 24-h period, indicating that either the tag is no longer attached to the animal or the animal has died.
Since the steel rebar (working electrode) is a corrodible electrode, the pure capacitance (C) should be replaced by the constant phase element (CPE), with the exponent a less than 1.
Biodegradable materials like polycarbonates, polyesters, corrodible metals and bacterial-derived polymers have been investigated by various research groups in designing stents.
The middle of this line was then secured to a corrodible link on the transmitter using a cow hitch knot.