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Related to conglomeratic: Fanglomerate, orthoconglomerate


A corporation operating in several different and unrelated enterprises, such as the movie industry, baking, and oil refining.

A conglomerate merger is one that brings together two firms with totally different product lines, economic relationships, and functions. Such a merger may violate antitrust acts inasmuch as it may have an adverse effect on competition.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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This is suggested by tens of metres-thick, unconformable conglomeratic levels evidencing unconformities that are located at the base of the sparsely distributed remains of Carboniferous, Permian and Triassic successions that are well-dated (Cassinis et al., 2000 and references therein; Cassinis and Ronchi, 2002; Ronchi et al., 2008).
Lithofacies number and lithofacies Lithofacies Association Lithofacies number Description D 8 Conglomeratic Sandstones with through-cross stratification 9 Sandstones with planar high angle cross-stratification 10 Sandstone with planar stratification, rich in organics 11 Sandstone with climbing ripple cross-lamination C 6, 12 Laminated and massive claystones with Sandy lenses, Massive sandstones.
The stratigraphic sequence at Chapala includes two types of deposits that are interbedded: one volcaniclastic unit that is formed by thin layers of fine and coarse sands and conglomeratic sands, where the fossil rodents were collected in five different levels.
Conglomeratic Qahlah Formation only locally separates the allochthonous strata from the orange-yellow coloured Simsima Formation as it mainly infills palaeovalleys but this formation is not easily accessible during this excursion.
The upper part (around Adatepe village) of the section consists of coarse-grained sandstone and conglomeratic sandstone (Adatepe Sandstone).
II viaggio all'indietro, che si fa progressivo nelle rivisitazioni autoreferenziali del poeta in Conglomeratic sembrerebbe piu diretto e stringente se si interpretasse il testo appena citato come esperienza dell'inseguimento della Belta/Beatrice (15) (circostanza, come detto, non pero dichiarata dal testo stesso), come suggerisce Dal Bianco nella sua impegnatissima introduzione a tutta la poesia di Zanzotto.
2000, 2004]) (Figure 13) (Plate 1) contains silty and conglomeratic facies; however, it also occurs as a massive, coarse grained, 98 percent silica sandstone up to 100 ft.
Furthermore it has been hypothesised that settlements such as Asva and Ridala might have emerged from the fusion of conglomeratic, regionally dispersed single farms or households that might have constituted seasonal hunting sites.
Summerfield (1983) defined four type of silcrete on the basis of micromorphology: grain-supported, matrix-supported (or floating), microcrystalline and conglomeratic. Grain-supported silcrete consists of sand-sized detrital quartz grains touching each other (Figures 1A-C); between the grains is either cement (syntaxial quartz overgrowths (Figure 1A) or, less commonly, fibrous quartz (Figure IB) or matrix (a mixture of quartz silt and microcrystalline silica replacing clay; Figure 1C).
A further implication is that interpretations of pulses of deformation, based on unconformities beneath conglomeratic facies [8], need to be treated with caution.