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The combination or mixture of two things; the process of commingling.

Confusion has been used synonymously with merger, meaning a union of two separate entities that eliminates clear boundaries. Confusion of rights, for example, is a combination of the rights of debtor and creditor in the same individual. Similarly, a confusion of titles exists when two titles to the same property combine in the same person. A confusion of debts is a method of eliminating a debt or canceling it. This may occur, for example, upon the death of a creditor when the debtor is the creditor's heir.

West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.


1 in the lawof contract, in Scotland, a party cannot be under an obligation to himself Thus, if a person becomes his own creditor the debt is extinguished.
2 an anglicization of CONFUSIO.
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

CONFUSION. The concurrence of two qualities in the same subject, which mutually destroy each other. Potli. Ob. P. 3, c. 5 3 Bl. Com. 405; Story Bailm. Sec. 40.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
She said that Shahbaz Sharif was facing confusion as to listen to his jailed brother or listen to his own heart.
Kenya Power has apologised for the confusion arising from a tender advert in which they wanted an 'anonymous whistle-blower'.
These different requirements often cause confusion, and can lead to unnecessarily long stops at bus stations.
However, he withdrew the application ascribing it to a "confusion" arising from a third-party agent.
However, he withdrew the application ascribing it to a 'confusion' arising from a third-party agent.
A subcommittee of the Congress panel on the Bangsamoro Basic Law (BBL) has agreed to specify the powers of the Bangsamoro government and struck down the reserved and concurrent powers of the national and local government to avoid confusion, Senate Minority Leader Franklin Drilon said on Wednesday.
LAHORE -- Jamaat-i-Islami emir Sirajul Haq says the confusion about the next election is deliberate and many actors are active in an effort to exacerbate this confusion but the Muttahida Majlis-i-Amal (MMA) will not let the election be delayed even for a day.
By FRANCIS MUREITHIThe Federation of Kenya Employers (FKE) has faulted the proposed move by the government to kick out workers' and employers' representatives from the board of trustees of the National Social Security Fund (NSSF).FKE Executive Director Jacqueline Mugo said the proposed changes as contained in the Miscellaneous Amendment Bill of 2018 which is before the National Assembly will create unnecessary confusion at the fund.
Pakistan has become land of confusion where a normal Pakistani passes through a phase of confusion irrespective of his social status.
Regarding why S/X backlog has increased to three months versus the historical six-to-eight week norm, the analyst says he "detected evident salesperson confusion in responses." He thinks this does not bode well from a longer-term demand perspective.
In response to this gap in the consumer choice literature, we investigated the moderating effect of consumer confusion on the relationship between consumer inertia and purchase intention.