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an internal sense of right and wrong. To respect differences between persons the law sometimes permits a CONSCIENCE CLAUSE. Freedom of conscience is a HUMAN RIGHT
Collins Dictionary of Law © W.J. Stewart, 2006

CONSCIENCE. The moral sense, or that capacity of our mental constitution, by which we irresistibly feel the difference between right and wrong.
     2. The constitution of the United States wisely provides that "no religious test shall ever be required." No man, then, or body of men, have a right to control a man's belief or opinion in religious matters, or to forbid the most perfect freedom of inquiry in relation to them, by force or threats, or by any other motives than arguments or persuasion. Vide Story, Const. Sec. 1841-1843.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in classic literature ?
"I am ready," quoth Reason, "to rest with thee ever so that Conscience be our counsellor."
Again he saw the field full of folk , and to them now Conscience was preaching, and at his words many began to repent them of their evil deeds.
"If I could eat grass I would not need a conscience, for nothing could then tempt me to devour babies and lambs."
And, once sure of the course pointed out by conscience, you know me too well, Cousin Hepzibah, to entertain a doubt that I shall pursue it."
These offerings greatly helped to ease Tom's conscience.
And it was a notable observation of a wise father, and no less ingenuously confessed; that those which held and persuaded pressure of consciences, were commonly interested therein., themselves, for their own ends.
"I don't b'lieve you'd eat a baby if you lost your Conscience. Come here, Polly," she called, "and be introduced to my friends."
Autrement dit, il faut arriver au moment oo la conscience de soi s'elance Vers une autre conscience de soi qui est aussi ouverte et elancee vers.
ISLAMABAD -- Following the big blow to opposition by conceding shocking defeat in a no-confidence motion against the chairman Senate, a committee has been formulated to expose the turncoats who sold their conscience.
If the nobility of a person is to become a 'man of conscience', it will be necessary to learn about it over the course of many years as it is an endless venture.
In other words, it can be said to exist in the mind as conscience. It can be called the court of conscience.
Pangs of conscience; clear conscience; "let your conscience be