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(anthropology) related by blood

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7160, also known as the Local Government Code, states that no person shall be appointed in the career service of the local government if he is related within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity to the appointing or recommending authority.
Lastly, party lists that include incumbent legislators, elected local officials and/or their family relatives within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity should be denied registration.
Although the consanguinity rate is around 52 percent across the GCC and Middle East, the findings don't show a significant correlation between consanguinity and the prevalence rate of ASD in Qatar; which is supported by the fact that ASD is a multi-genetic disorder with no direct causal link to consanguinity.
Both phases reflect similar prevalence rates of approximately 1.146%." "Although the consanguinity rate is around 52% across the GCC and Middle East, our findings don't show a significant correlation between consanguinity and the prevalence rate of ASD in Qatar; which is supported by the fact that ASD is a multi-genetic disorder with no direct causal link to consanguinity.
Keywords: Intellectual disability, Factors, Advanced maternal age, Consanguinity, Asphyxia, Trauma.
.the concentration, consolidation and/or perpetuation of public office and political power by persons related to one another within the second degree of consanguinity or affinity.
The word consanguinity describe unions between couples who share at least one common ancestor.1 Consanguineous marriages are preferred in South Asia.
Factors like consanguinity (inter-cousin marriages) and parental age can contribute in the chances of chromosome abnormalities in the off-springs.
It is characterized by palmoplantar hyperkeratosis and aggressive periodontitis, has a worldwide prevalence of 1-4 cases per million in the general population and is often related with consanguinity in 20-40% of patients with PLS.1,2 It usually has its onset between the ages of 1 and 4 affecting males and females equally.3 Cutaneous manifestations begin with erythema which progress to hyperkeratosis of soles and palms within 6 months.2 Palmoplantar keratosis, varying from mild psoriasiform scaly skin to overt hyperkeratosis is characteristic.
Summary: In the UAE, a lot of genetic disorders are caused by consanguinity which has caused a lot of genetic pooling.
[1] Many congenital defects have a genetic component in its causation, hence consanguinity may prove as a risk factor, particularly since prevalence of consanguinity has reached over 50% in some areas of the world and in some populations.
The IPMR should be a natural born Filipino, registered voter of the city, bona fide Lumad by blood or consanguinity, acknowledged leader of the tribe, has continuously engaged in undertakings to uplift the lives of the indigenous people, be able to read and write, and is knowledgeable of the IP customs.
Pedigree analysis indicate that parents of all patients have first degree consanguinity, and segregation disease in autosomal recessive fashion.
was diagnosed with "Asthenic-depressive syndrome", both of whom also had a degree of consanguinity being second-degree cousins.