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League of Legends Wiki

Touch of the Void is a team-wide stacking neutral buff granted by slaying Voidgrubs Voidgrubs. It is available only on Summoner's Rift.



Patch History[]

  • Structure damage per tick increased to (Melee role 8 − 48 / Ranged role 4 − 24) from (Melee role 6 − 36 / Ranged role 3 − 18).
  • Bug Fix: Turret VFX now properly remains for the entire duration.
V14.1 - Added
  • Gain a Touch of the Void stack for each Voidgrub Voidgrub slain, up to a maximum of 6. Your basic attacks against structures are empowered to apply a burn for 4 seconds that deals (Melee role 4 − 24 / Ranged role 3 − 18) (based on stacks) true damage every 0.5 seconds, for a total of (Melee role 32 − 192 / Ranged role 24 − 144) (based on stacks). The duration refreshes on subsequent attacks.
  • Gaining 5 or 6 stacks grants the Hunger of the Void Hunger of the Void buff, which summons allied Voidmites Voidmites while in combat with structures. These Voidmites Voidmites will target and attack the nearest enemy structure.

