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This article is a compilation of the trivia sections found across Rakan's Rakan's articles and is provided as a courtesy for readers who enjoyed our previously dedicated champion-trivia articles.

The information found on this page cannot be edited from here - please follow the provided links to the source articles. This page will automatically reflect changes made elsewhere.

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Main article: Rakan (Development)
  • Rakan and Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan are voiced by Ronan Summers.
  • Rakan's placeholder model during production was a pink SSW Thresh SSW Thresh with a giant pink Braum Braum mustache for wings.[1]
  • August 'jinxylord' Browning was the designer who originally started exploration on Rakan but Jimmy 'Beat PunchBeef' Steorts took over the project when he moved off to Research and Development.
  • During development he was simply called Duo Support.
    • Xayah's Xayah's was instead called Duo Carry.
  • Rakan's and Xayah's Xayah's dual recall animation is divided into three sections, an intro, a middle section, and then an outro. The whole sequence would take 8 seconds if Rakan and Xayah recalled at the exact same time, while the intro and the outro are both (2 seconds). The system will always play the intro, then it will always play the outro when there is 2 seconds left in the animation, regardless of how long the middle section has played for. This means that the characters will blend from whatever position they are in, to the first pose of the outro part of the sequence.[2]
  • Kayn Kayn was originally slated to be the antagonist to Xayah Xayah and Rakan Rakan.[3]
  • Influences for Xayah Xayah and Rakan Rakan include April Ludgate from Parks and Recreation, Kubo and the Two Strings and We Can Never Go Home.[4][5]
  • Some scrapped spells shared with Xayah Xayah include:[6][7]
    • An ability that would fire a beam like Life Form Disintegration Ray Life Form Disintegration Ray, but they could shoot them together and combine them into a megabeam.
    • Another ability shared with Xayah Xayah was one that would create a storm cloud that followed them around and could summon a lightning bolt in the area to stun people. The other had a gust of wind that would knock enemies back.
  • Some possible thematics explored for Xayah Xayah and Rakan Rakan included being a vampire couple or being a storm shaman and storm elemental.[8][9]

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Main article: Rakan (Character)
  • Rakan is confirmed to have ADHD based on his in-game voice lines and short story.[10]
    • This was confirmed by Odin 'WAAARGHbobo' Shafer, who explained that they indirectly gave Rakan ADHD through piecing parts of their personality together, as well as events from their friends and family, to create him.
  • His tribe's name, Lhotlan, was named after Lhotl, a Vastayashai’rei hero during the war against a race of titans from the sky.
  • He was originally intended to be 28 in equivalence to human age, but due to being a young Vastaya, he is over a few hundreds years old.[11][12]
    • This can be explained that as one enters a vastayan forest, time — as we know it — becomes to be less reliable. This is the border to the spirit world, so time can go strangely; days can become years, or months can become seconds in the world outside of the forest.[13]
  • Rakan's emotional intelligence and self-awareness is through the roof. He is evidently also very present at any given time; he lives in the moment. Rakan was aware of his emotional interest in Xayah Xayah as it happened. It's not a singular moment for Rakan, it was a journey.[14]
    • The Vastayan culture's relationship and marriage rituals are somewhat different than ours, in part because magic is largely integral to them and their landscape. Their culture is big on declarations. Symbolically when you declare something, it becomes true; with Vastayan magic, these sort of declarations also form a weak charm. Reinvoking it maintains its status and makes others aware. From a human perspective, they are not married nor engaged, and would self-describe as a "couple". But for a Vastayan, declaring someone your companion is equivalent: it means you are allowing your magics to entwine.
  • Vlonqo, the town where Xayah Xayah and Rakan first met, is a town with a monastery and a Quinlon.[15]
    • Quinlons are the magical filters and damns scattered around Ionia that attempt to contain the amount of magic released into the region, or limit it to positive and helpful magic, which in turn affect the Vastayan livelihood due to their dependence on magic.[16]
      • In Wild Magic, Xayah Xayah and Rakan destroyed one of the Quinlons that Zed Zed and his Shadow Order use to create their Ichor which is used to channel Shadow magic .

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Main article: Rakan (League of Legends)
  • Rakan's and Xayah's Xayah's dual release is the first one since V1.0.0.72.
  • Rakan's and Xayah's loading screens always align themselves to the rightmost side before a game starts and when picked on the same team (to mirror their shared splash art).
  • Rakan's cloak is actually his wings disguised by Vastayan magic in order to blend in with humans.
  • Rakan and Xayah are sometimes depicted together with combined wings. The one-winged Jian bird in Chinese mythology has a similar codependency, which represents the bond of two lovers.
  • Rakan has the second highest basic attack range amongst Melee role melee champions (300 units) behind Lillia Lillia (325 units).
    • He used to have the lowest basic attack range amongst Ranged role ranged champions prior to V12.22.
  • Rakan's favorite human food is chocolate; even though chocolate's theobromine may poison Rakan due to his half-bird physiology, his human half may help metabolize the compound & alleviate its effects.
  • Rakan's dance references Jailhouse Rock by Elvis Presley.
    • A side-by-side comparison can be seen here.
      • He shared this dance with Pantheon Pantheon, until the latter eventually got a full relaunch.
  • When Rakan basic attacks from a far distance he hits his target with his cape, if he is closer, he will punch them instead.
    • At release, Rakan had a hidden passive: he also dealt 1 more physical damage with his punches.[17]
  • His name resembles the Malay noun rakan "friend, relative";
  • He is the only champion with 3 points at 3 skills by the client classification.


Main article: Rakan (League of Legends Audio)
Rakan, the Charmer Rakan, the Charmer
Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan


Main article: Rakan (Collection)
Original Rakan Original Rakan
Cosmic Dawn Rakan Cosmic Dawn Rakan
Sweetheart Rakan Sweetheart Rakan
SSG Rakan SSG Rakan
iG Rakan iG Rakan
Star Guardian Rakan Star Guardian Rakan
Chromaskins Chromas: Aquamarine, Rose Quartz, Ruby
Elderwood Rakan Elderwood Rakan
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emberwood, Emerald, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Arcana Rakan Arcana Rakan
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite
Broken Covenant Rakan Broken Covenant Rakan
Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Turquoise
Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan Redeemed Star Guardian Rakan
  • This skin was previously exclusive to Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.
Dragonmancer Rakan Dragonmancer Rakan
Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Emerald, Obsidian, Pearl, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Turquoise
Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan Prestige Dragonmancer Rakan

