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League of Legends Wiki
Poppy NoxusSkin TFT
Poppy (Universe)Poppy (Universe)
Poppy (League of Legends)Poppy (League of Legends)
Poppy (Esports)Poppy (Esports)
Poppy (Teamfight Tactics)Poppy (Teamfight Tactics)
Poppy (Legends of Runeterra)Poppy (Legends of Runeterra)
Poppy (Development)Poppy (Development)
Poppy (Trivia)Poppy (Trivia)


Emo Emo
Amumu EmumuTFTSquare
Annie GothSquare
Poppy NoxusTFTSquare
Vex OriginalTFTSquare
Emo Emblem TFT item
Mosher Mosher
Gnar PentakillSuperfanSquare
Jax EmpyreanTFTSquare
Poppy NoxusTFTSquare
Urgot HighNoonTFTSquare
Vi HeartacheTFTSquare
Yorick PentakillTFTSquare
Mosher Emblem TFT item


  • Poppy appears as Noxus Poppy Noxus Poppy with the customized Emo chroma instead of Original Poppy Original Poppy due to the skin being best suited for the Emo Emo origin in her kit.


Demacia Demacia
Fiora OriginalTFTSquare
Galio OriginalSquare
Jarvan IV OriginalTFTSquare
Kayle OriginalTFTSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Quinn OriginalTFTSquare
Sona OriginalTFTSquare
Demacia Emblem TFT item elusived
Bastion Bastion
Illaoi OriginalTFTSquare
K'Sante OriginalTFTSquare
Kassadin OriginalSquare
Neeko OriginalTFTSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Shen OriginalTFTSquare
Taric OriginalTFTSquare
Bastion Emblem TFT item



Demacia Demacia
Galio OriginalSquare
Garen OriginalSquare
Jarvan IV OriginalTFTSquare
Kayle OriginalTFTSquare
Lux OriginalTFTSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Sona OriginalTFTSquare
Demacia Emblem TFT item
Yordle Yordle
Heimerdinger OriginalTFTSquare
Kled OriginalTFTSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Teemo OriginalSquare
Tristana OriginalTFTSquare
Bastion Bastion
K'Sante OriginalTFTSquare
Kassadin OriginalSquare
Maokai OriginalTFTSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Shen OriginalTFTSquare
Taric OriginalTFTSquare
Bastion Emblem TFT item



Gadgeteen Gadgeteen
Annie LunarBeastSquare
Gnar SuperGalaxySquare
Lulu MonsterTamerSquare
Nunu & Willump NunuBotTFTSquare
Poppy HextechSquare
Gadgeteen Emblem TFT item
Defender Defender
Garen MechaKingdomsSquare
Poppy HextechSquare
Rell StarGuardianTFTSquare
Riven BattleBunnyPrimeSquare
Shen PulsefireTFTSquare
Wukong LancerStratusTFTSquare
Defender Emblem TFT item



Gadgeteen Gadgeteen
Annie LunarBeastSquare
Lulu MonsterTamerSquare
Nunu & Willump NunuBotTFTSquare
Poppy HextechSquare
Zoe CyberPopSquare
Gadgeteen Emblem TFT item
Defender Defender
Poppy HextechSquare
Rell StarGuardianTFTSquare
Riven BattleBunnyPrimeSquare
Sett MechaKingdomsSquare
Wukong LancerStratusTFTSquare
Defender Emblem TFT item



Yordle Yordle
Corki OriginalSquare
Gnar GentlemanSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Vex OriginalSquare
Ziggs OriginalSquare
Bodyguard Bodyguard
Blitzcrank OriginalSquare
Braum CrimeCitySquare
Darius CrimeCityNightmareSquare
Galio DebonairSquare
Leona DebonairSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Bodyguard Emblem TFT item



Yordle Yordle
Heimerdinger OriginalSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Tristana OriginalSquare
Vex OriginalSquare
Ziggs OriginalSquare
Bodyguard Bodyguard
Blitzcrank OriginalSquare
Braum CrimeCitySquare
Darius CrimeCityNightmareSquare
Galio DebonairSquare
Leona BattleAcademiaSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Bodyguard Emblem TFT item



Hellion Hellion
Kennen InfernalSquare
Kled MarauderSquare
Lulu WickedTFTSquare
Poppy NoxusTFTSquare old
Teemo LittleDevilSquare
Tristana LittleDemonSquare
Ziggs MasterArcanistSquare
Hellion Emblem TFT item
Knight Knight
Galio DragonGuardianSquare
Garen God-KingSquare
Leona SolarEclipseSquare
Nautilus WardenTFTSquare
Poppy NoxusTFTSquare old
Thresh OriginalTFTSquare
Knight Emblem TFT item



Hellion Hellion
Kennen InfernalSquare
Kled MarauderSquare
Lulu WickedTFTSquare
Poppy NoxusTFTSquare old
Teemo LittleDevilSquare
Ziggs MasterArcanistSquare
Hellion Emblem TFT item old
Knight Knight
Darius God-KingTFTSquare
Garen God-KingSquare
Leona SolarEclipseSquare
Nautilus WardenTFTSquare
Poppy NoxusTFTSquare old
Taric EmeraldSquare
Thresh OriginalTFTSquare



Star Guardian Star Guardian
Ahri StarGuardianSquare
Janna StarGuardianSquare
Neeko StarGuardianSquare
Poppy StarGuardianSquare
Soraka StarGuardianSquare
Syndra StarGuardianSquare
Zoe StarGuardianSquare
Star Guardian's Charm TFT item
Vanguard Vanguard
Jayce ForsakenSquare
Leona PROJECTSquare
Mordekaiser DarkStarSquare
Nautilus AstroNautilusSquare
Poppy StarGuardianSquare
Wukong LancerStratusSquare



Star Guardian Star Guardian
Ahri StarGuardianSquare
Neeko StarGuardianSquare
Poppy StarGuardianSquare
Soraka StarGuardianSquare
Syndra StarGuardianSquare
Zoe StarGuardianSquare
Star Guardian's Charm TFT item
Vanguard Vanguard
Jayce ForsakenSquare
Leona PROJECTSquare
Mordekaiser DarkStarSquare
Poppy StarGuardianSquare
Wukong LancerStratusSquare



Yordle Yordle
Gnar OriginalSquare
Kennen OriginalSquare
Lulu OriginalSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Tristana OriginalSquare
Veigar OriginalSquare
Mittens TFT item old
Knight Knight
Darius OriginalSquare
Garen OriginalSquare
Kayle OriginalSquare
Mordekaiser OriginalSquare
Poppy OriginalSquare
Sejuani OriginalSquare
Knight's Vow TFT item old


  • Due to Poppy's tier (and thus her ability), she's a popular Knight Knight used in conjunction with Sejuani Sejuani, if Kayle Kayle is yet unaquireable and the Knight Knight trait is not the primary strategy, because the other Knight's Knight's abilities don't have crowd control.
  • If Poppy is Level 2 or higher, Keeper's Verdict has the ability to hit multiple enemies. However, unlike most abilities that are cast in a straight line, it will target the closest enemy and go from there. This opens up the possibility of using it to protect the carries (e.g. from jumping Assassins Assassins) in the backline, simply by placing Poppy on one of the flanks next to them.
  • Poppy is usually most effective to be used to soak damage up so that the carries in the team can deal their damage. Thus equipping her with defensive items like Thornmail Thornmail, Warmog's Armor Warmog's Armor and Dragon's Claw Dragon's Claw is recommended when employing her for this purpose.
    • It is not recommended to give her offensive items, as Champions, who focus on dealing damage, could make much better use of them.


On Purchase
  •    "Ready, hammer?"
On Rank Up
  •    "You should probably take cover."
End of Round
  •    "You are... definitely not the hero."


  • Her ability is based on her League of Legends ability Keeper's Verdict Keeper's Verdict.
  • Poppy is the only Champion with the Knight Knight / Yordle Yordle combination, making her the permanently tankiest character against basic attacks, provided the Knight Knight and Yordle Yordle bonuses are given.
    • Shen Shen can use Spirit's Refuge to temporarily generate a field that grants 100% dodge chance to him and surrounding allies with no need for the Yordle Yordle bonus, if he has Knight's Vow Knight's Vow equipped and the Knight Knight bonus is active. However, unlike the Yordle Yordle bonus, Shen's ability does not provide dodge chance against on-hit effect.

Patch History[]

  • Ability armor ratio increased to 180 / 220 / 280% maximum armor from 180 / 210 / 240%.
V12.4 - Returning
  • Returning to set 6.5 with no changes.
V11.22 - Returning
  • Original Poppy Original Poppy
    • Tier 1 Yordle Yordle Bodyguard Bodyguard.
    • Iron Ambassador Active - Buckler Toss: Throws her buckler at the farthest enemy, dealing 180 / 210 / 240% maximum armor magic damage. The buckler then bounces back, granting her a 225 / 275 / 325 (× Ability power icon AP) shield.
  • Ability damage increased to 150 / 250 / 450 from 150 / 250 / 400.
V11.15 - Returning
  • Returning to Set 5.5 with no changes.
V11.13 - June 30th Hotfix
  • Starting mana increased to 50 from 30.
  • Starting mana reduced to 30 from 40.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 70 from 80.
  • Ability damage increased to 150 / 250 / 400 from 150 / 250 / 350.
  • Ability shield increased to 250 / 375 / 525 from 250 / 350 / 450.
V11.9 - Returning
  • Noxus Poppy Noxus Poppy
    • Tier 1 Hellion Hellion Knight Knight.
    • Iron Ambassador Active - Buckler Toss: Throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing 150 / 250 / 350 (× Ability power icon AP) magic damage and applying on-hit effects. The buckler bounces back to her, granting her a shield for 250 / 350 / 450 (× Ability power icon AP) health.
V10.19 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 4.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 35 from 30.
  • Ability damage increased to 100 / 150 / 225 from 100 / 150 / 200.
  • Ability shield increased to 200 / 300 / 450 from 200 / 300 / 400.
  • Starting mana reduced to 50 from 60.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 90 from 100.
V10.12 - Returning
  • Base armor increased to 45 from 40.
  • Base magic resistance increased to 30 from 20.
  • Ability damage reduced to 100 / 150 / 200 from 100 / 175 / 250.
  • Ability shield reduced to 200 / 300 / 400 from 200 / 350 / 500.
  • Bug Fix: Updated her tooltip to specify she deals magic damage.
V10.6 - Returning
  • Now uses Star Guardian Poppy Star Guardian Poppy instead of Original Poppy Original Poppy.
  • New Traits: Star Guardian Star Guardian Vanguard Vanguard.
  • New Ability: Iron Ambassador Active - Buckler Toss: Throws her buckler at the furthest enemy, dealing 100 / 175 / 250 magic damage. The buckler bounces back to her, granting her a shield for 200 / 350 / 500 health.
  • Tier reduced to 1 from 3.
  • Base health reduced to 650 from 700.
  • Maximum mana increased to 100 from 75.
  • Starting mana increased to 60 from 0.
  • Base attack speed increased to 0.55 from 0.5.
V9.22 - Disabled
  • Disabled due to Set 2.
  • Base health reduced to 700 from 800.
  • Ability damage increased to 300 / 500 / 700 from 300 / 400 / 500.
  • Base armor increased to 40 from 30.
  • Stun duration increased to 2 / 3 / 4 seconds from 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5.
  • Number of targets hit increased to 1 / 2 / 3 from 1 at all star-level.
V9.13 - July 1st Hotfix
  • Base health increased to 800 from 750.
  • Maximum mana reduced to 75 from 100.
V9.13 - Added
  • Tier 3 Yordle Yordle Knight Knight.
  • Keeper's Verdict Active - Keeper's Verdict: After charging for 0.75 seconds, swings her hammer at the closest enemy, dealing 300 / 400 / 500 magic damage, Airborne icon knocking up for 1 second and Stun icon stunning for 1.5 / 2.5 / 3.5 seconds.
