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League of Legends Wiki
Malzahar Concept 01
Malzahar (Universe)Malzahar (Universe)
Malzahar (League of Legends)Malzahar (League of Legends)
Malzahar (Esports)Malzahar (Esports)
Malzahar (Teamfight Tactics)Malzahar (Teamfight Tactics)
Malzahar (Development)Malzahar (Development)
Malzahar (Trivia)Malzahar (Trivia)

Champion Sneak Peek: Malzahar, Prophet of the Void[]

By ByronicHero[1]


This is a public service announcement regarding a shady looking fellow that may have made his way onto the Field of Justice. If you see a shrouded, floating man with a generally poor disposition, exercise caution - particularly if you see any dark, sinister portals portals or hideous creatures creatures of the Void milling about. This may be none other than Malzahar Malzahar, Prophet of the Void, and he's probably not the type of bloke you want to run into on your way back to your stool from the men's room.

On the other hand, if you like dark matter dark matter, bottomless pits pits, exoskeletal monsters monsters, menacing sacrificial daggers, or moving without touching the ground, you may want to take a moment to let this gentleman know that you're a fan of his work. Look for Malzahar in the upcoming patch!

Mid-Season Magic[]

Malzahar Malzahar is still a low-mobility lockdown lockdown mage, but now he's got more friends friends from the Void to protect him. The Prophet's also amping up his ability to get close during teamfights thanks to his new passive passive, Void Shift Void Shift.[2]


Void Shift
Void Shift
Malzahar enters Void Shift when he hasn't taken direct damage over a period of time. During Void Shift, Malzahar takes massively reduced damage and is immune to crowd control effects, remaining in Void Shift for a small period of time after taking damage.

Call of the Void
Call of the Void
Malzahar opens two portals to the Void that fire projectiles inward, dealing magic damage and Silence icon silencing enemies.

Void Swarm
Void Swarm
Malzahar summons a Voidling that lasts for a set period of time. The first time a Voidling attacks a champion, large monster, epic monster, or assists in killing a unit, Malzahar spawns a new Voidling with the same remaining duration. When three or more Voidlings are active, they all gain bonus attack speed.

Malefic Visions
Malefic Visions
Malzahar infects his target's mind with cruel visions of their demise, dealing damage each second. If the target dies while afflicted by the visions, they pass on to a nearby enemy unit and Malzahar gains Mana. Malzahar's Voidlings Voidlings are attracted to affected units.

Nether Grasp
Nether Grasp
Malzahar Suppression icon supresses a target champion over time, creating a zone zone of negative energy around them. All enemies (and the Suppression icon supressed target) in the zone zone are dealt a percentage of their maximum health as magic damage per second.


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  • Malzahar is voiced by Vic Mignogna.
  • During development he was called MalZahar and later in PBE it got changed to Al'Zahar, which sounds almost like Ø§Ù„ظاهر Að̣-ð̣ahir "the Manifest",[3] one among the Names of God in Islam.

