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Each year, a mischievous Lunar Beast arrives in the mortal realm, drawn to the New Year's celebrations. And each year, the corresponding Lunar God selects a squad of chosen champions to lead the beast on a merry chase and protect the city from the creature's playful rampage. The Lunar Parade is a beloved part of the New Year's festivities and the Beast itself brings good luck once it has been lulled to rest by the squad's efforts. When a Lunar Beast is well-entertained and well-rested, it always signals a prosperous New Year!
The Ox Squad
  • Lunar Beast Alistar Lunar Beast Alistar
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Vitality
    The leader of Ox Clan, Alistar keeps his stubborn squad in line with his reliability and gruff approval. A bit quick to anger with some squad members' bull-headedness, he's determined that nothing and no one will derail this Lunar New Year festival, or Ox Clan's plan to make it a flawless celebration.
  • Lunar Beast Annie Lunar Beast Annie
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Citrine, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Vitality
    Everyone was shocked when Annie was chosen as Ox Clan's tech operative. A precocious prodigy, Annie serves as the team's recon strategist, making sure the parade route is clear of civilians.
  • Lunar Beast Aphelios Lunar Beast Aphelios & Lunar Beast Alune Lunar Beast Alune
    Chromaskins Chromas: Citrine, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Vitality
    Aphelios stays quiet, preferring to worship the Bull God according to obscure “old ways” that are unfamiliar to the rest of his squad. His teammates are welcoming, if curious, but have yet to realize that Aphelios and his sister Alune are actually the Bull God's progeny, placed among the squad to face this year's Lunar Beast.
  • Lunar Beast Darius Lunar Beast Darius
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Vitality
    Darius' imposing presence and determination to lead by example cause occasional tension between him and Alistar, the actual leader of the squad. Despite how overbearing he can be, Darius is a strong and steadfast friend to his teammates and a rock for the whole Clan.
  • Lunar Beast Fiora Lunar Beast Fiora
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Tanzanite, Vitality
    Fiora keeps mostly to herself, determined to reclaim her family's honor from her father's failure as a member of the last Ox Squad. She thinks the rest of the squad doesn't take their duties seriously enough, and her determination to avoid another disastrous New Year makes her seem standoffish and cold to her teammates.
    • Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora
      Long days of community service and long nights of tactical planning have left Fiora not drained but energized. Her steely determination has hardened into foresight and loyalty. Whatever the Lunar Beast throws at them, Ox Squad knows Fiora has their back.
  • Lunar Beast Jarvan IV Lunar Beast Jarvan IV
    Chromaskins Chromas: Amethyst, Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Sapphire, Vitality
    Jarvan IV's stubborn refusal to join Ox Clan only relented to his father's stubborn insistence. Though he tries his best to shirk the celebrity status that comes with the role, Jarvan comes from a long line of philanthropists, and has found himself caught up in the thrill of bringing businesslike efficiency to the biggest community event of the year.
  • Lunar Beast Miss Fortune Lunar Beast Miss Fortune
    A former street tough recruited by the Bull God himself, Miss Fortune was persuaded to join by fame and glory. She's here to prove not just that the Ox Clan is the best squad, but that whatever squad that has her as a member is the best. Restless and proud, Miss Fortune is eager to show off her skills at the Lunar New Year celebration.
Former Squad members
  • Lunar Beast Viego Lunar Beast Viego
    Chromaskins Chromas: Catseye, Obsidian, Rose Quartz, Ruby, Tanzanite, Turquoise, Vitality
    Former leader of a past Lunar Ox Squad, Viego decided that they would fight the Lunar Beast and actually defeat it. His plan ended in tragedy as he watched the rest of his squad be devoured-- including his wife. Viego has stewed in bitterness over these losses for years, blaming everyone but himself -- including this year's Lunar Ox Squad.


Save the Celebration[]

Annie LunarBeast Save the Celebration

Runeterra Crest icon


Save the Celebration

Honor the past, protect the future. Every year, a beast of legend arrives to threaten the Lunar New Year, and every year, a team of heroes is chosen to stand as guardians over the celebration.


Porcelain loading screen borders and summoner icons could be earned for 250 event tokens or purchased through a 1900 RP 1900 bundle for epic skins.

Prestige Lunar Beast Fiora's loading screen and summoner icon could be earned for 2000 event tokens during the 2021 Lunar Revel event.


  • The Lunar Beast is a reference to the Nian. The beast shares many appearance similarities with the legend beast, and it is also associated to the New Year celebration.
  • Lunar Beast Viego's Lunar Beast Viego's team was killed in 2045, the last year of the Ox.
    • Viego was the leader of the team.
    • Fiora's Fiora's father was a part of Viego's team.
    • Isolde Isolde was a part of Viego's team.
  • Lunar Beast Miss Fortune Lunar Beast Miss Fortune is currently unique to Wild Rift icon Wild Rift.


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