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League of Legends Wiki

Champion Select[]


Original Original
Crime City Crime City
A skin's voice-over set may feature: a filtered variation for some or all of the base skin's quotes; additional or replaced quotes. A skin's sound effect set may feature: unique events; replacements of the base skin's SFX for some or all events. Skin variants (e.g. Prestige) inherit all audio from their regular version, but can feature unique quotes or SFX.




Jinx pulls out and cocks both Pow-Pow Pow-Pow and Fishbones Fishbones while aiming them aggressively.
Taunting an Enemy Caitlyn Caitlyn
Taunting an Enemy Vi Vi


Jinx pulls out Fishbones Fishbones and throws her voice to pretend it is talking like a puppet. She then punches it in frustration.
  • ▶️  Jinx OriginalCircle ▶️  Jinx PROJECTCircle "Fishbones, you know what we oughta do? 'Do the laundry, wash dishes and pay some bills.' Stupid dumb rocket launcher..."
  • ▶️  Jinx OriginalCircle ▶️  Jinx PROJECTCircle "Maybe we should settle down and live peaceful lives. 'Really? I always hoped one day you'd--' Haha, nope! You're a death machine for life!"
  • ▶️  Jinx OriginalCircle ▶️  Jinx PROJECTCircle "Hey Fishbones, think we can wreak havoc forever? 'No, you should buy a home and save for retirement.' You know I can replace you, right?"
  • ▶️  Jinx OriginalCircle ▶️  Jinx PROJECTCircle "Hey Fishbones, should we blow something up? 'You might inconvenience people and hurt their feelings.' Ugh, you're the worst weapon ever!"


Jinx drops to the ground and flails her legs around.


  • ▶️  Jinx CrimeCityCircle Jinx dances next to a gramophone playing 'Get Jinxed', her theme.



Ability Casting[]

Using Zap! Zap![]

Using Flame Chompers! Flame Chompers![]

Using Super Mega Death Rocket! Super Mega Death Rocket![]

Recall Recall[]

Jinx jumps on Fishbones Fishbones, which launches like a rocket ship and lifts off.


Surviving Ace in the Hole Ace in the Hole

Game Start[]

Music upon start of the game


First Move[]

First Move with Ally Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
First Move with Ally Star Guardian Poppy Star Guardian Poppy
First Move with Ally Vi Vi


15 seconds cooldown

First Encounter[]

First Encounter with Star Guardian Janna Star Guardian Janna
First Encounter with Star Guardian Lulu Star Guardian Lulu
First Encounter with Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
First Encounter with Star Guardian Poppy Star Guardian Poppy
First Encounter with a 00 Reactivated profileicon Mecha
  • ▶️   "Hey, mech! The only good robot is a deactivated robot!"
First Encounter with a PROJECT profileicon PROJECT
First Encounter with a Void Crest icon Void Champion
First Encounter with Caitlyn Caitlyn
First Encounter with Graves Graves
First Encounter with Jinx Jinx
First Encounter with Star Guardian Jinx Star Guardian Jinx
First Encounter with Vi Vi


30% chance, 30 seconds cooldown


Jinx pretends to use Shiro as a makeup sponge while holding a mirror, then Kuro as a bottle of perfume. Finally, Jinx slams both of them against each other, producing glitter.


Jinx grabs Shiro, hugs it and looks in wonder, then hugs Kuro and nuzzles it.




Basic Attacking[]

25% chance


15 seconds cooldown
Attacking Baron Nashor Baron Nashor
30 seconds cooldown
Attacking the Dragon Dragon
30 seconds cooldown

Ability Casting[]

Using Switcheroo! Switcheroo![]

Upon Switching to Kuro Kuro
50% chance
Upon Switching to Shiro Shiro
50% chance

Using Zap! Zap![]

50% chance

Using Flame Chompers! Flame Chompers![]

50% chance

Using Super Mega Death Rocket! Super Mega Death Rocket![]

Kills and Objectives[]

Killing a Champion
Killing Caitlyn Caitlyn
Killing Janna Janna
Killing Lulu Lulu
Killing Lux Lux
Killing Poppy Poppy
Killing Urgot Urgot
Killing a 00 Reactivated profileicon Mecha
Killing a PROJECT profileicon PROJECT
Killing a Void Crest icon Void Champion
Scoring an Assist for Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
Scoring a Triple Kill
Scoring a Pentakill
  • ▶️   "You get a bullet! You get a bullet! Everyone gets a bullet!"
Destroying a Turret icon Turret
  • ▶️   "Star light, star bright, another turret destroyed tonight!"


Buying an Item
50% chance
Buying B. F B. F. Sword
Buying Bloodthirster Bloodthirster
Buying Guardian Angel Guardian Angel
Buying Infinity Edge Infinity Edge
Buying Last Whisper Last Whisper
Buying Mercurial Scimitar Mercurial Scimitar
Buying Rapid Firecannon Rapid Firecannon

Other Gameplay[]

Using a Potion
30% chance
Placing a Ward icon Ward
30% chance

Recall Recall[]

Jinx blows a kiss and stacks Kuro and Shiro, turning once and then dancing together. At the end, Shiro bounces on Kuro and drops dizzy and head-first onto the ground.
10 seconds cooldown
Near Ally Star Guardian Lux Star Guardian Lux
10 seconds cooldown




Jinx, the Loose Cannon Jinx, the Loose Cannon
Star Guardian Jinx Star Guardian Jinx
▶️  Braum OriginalCircle ▶️  Rengar OriginalCircle ▶️  Poppy OriginalCircle ▶️  Caitlyn PulsefireCircle ▶️  Jinx StarGuardianCircle "Not so fast!"

