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League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Corrupting Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Bilgewater Cutlass item Boots of Speed item Sheen item
Essential Mercury's Treads item Hextech Gunblade item Trinity Force item
Offensive Ravenous Hydra item Maw of Malmortius item Guinsoo's Rageblade item
Defensive Sterak's Gage item Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item Guardian Angel item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Refillable Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Stalker's Blade item Boots of Speed item
Essential Stalker's Blade (Bloodrazor) item Mercury's Treads item Hextech Gunblade item
Offensive Trinity Force item Ravenous Hydra item Maw of Malmortius item Guinsoo's Rageblade item
Defensive Sterak's Gage item Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item Guardian Angel item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Boots of Speed item Doran's Blade item Health Potion item2
Essential Ninja Tabi item Phage item Bilgewater Cutlass item
Offensive Trinity Force item Blade of the Ruined King item Hextech Gunblade item
Defensive Sterak's Gage item Randuin's Omen item Warmog's Armor item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Twisted Treeline (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Hunter's Talisman item Health Potion item3
Essential Ninja Tabi item Phage item Bilgewater Cutlass item
Offensive Trinity Force item Blade of the Ruined King item Hextech Gunblade item
Defensive Sterak's Gage item Randuin's Omen item Warmog's Armor item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Howling Abyss
Starting Boots of Speed item Health Potion item2 Guardian's Hammer item
Essential Mercury's Treads item Trinity Force item Blade of the Ruined King item
Offensive Ravenous Hydra item The Bloodthirster item
Defensive Sterak's Gage item Randuin's Omen item Banshee's Veil item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Health Potion item


Playing As Jax Jax
Playing Against Jax Jax
  • Try to engage him in short bursts instead of going toe-to-toe with him. Preventing him from attacking consecutively consecutively drastically lowers his damage output.
  • Jax can dodge dodge all incoming attacks for a very short amount of time and stuns stuns enemies in melee range when it ends. Wait to strike him until after his dodge dodge is finished.


Ability Usage
  • Relentless Assault Relentless Assault
    • At level 18, Jax can reach capped attack speed (2.5 attacks per second) with 8 stacks of Relentless Assault Relentless Assault and 145% additional attack speed.
    • The attack speed bonus increases every 3 levels. Thus, it may be worth it to hold off a fight until you reach the next 'stage' if you are close to reaching it.
  • Leap Strike Leap Strike
    • Level this first if your enemy is very mobile or is a controller/ranged champion.
      • However, this should be maxed second as the damage from Empower Empower is more significant.
    • Against mobile champs, try to leap leap to them only after they use their escape spells.
    • If you have spare wards, it can be useful to set them up in good spots to dodge skillshots or leave a team fight when you are low health, preferably across walls.
      • When you are roaming, be sure to have a ward to hop to in case of an enemy ambush.
    • Use this with Empower Empower to secure last hits or for a quick hit-and-run burst.
  • Empower Empower
    • This ability should be maxed first as its damage will increase while lowering its cooldown, making Jax even stronger in extended fights.
    • In the early levels, use the empowered attack the empowered attack to ensure the kill on minions (especially the siege minion.)
    • If there are two minions near death, kill one with the lowest health and activate Empower Empower to reset you autoattack to kill the other one.
    • Empower Empower doesn't affects structures but you can activate it for the autoattack reset and Sheen Sheen proc if you have the item.
  • Counter Strike Counter Strike
    • Max this last because it is mostly a utility spell, has low base damage and the stun duration is flat. However, many people take this ability at level 1 for a few reasons:
      • Leap Strike Leap Strike is lackluster without your other abilities and Empower Empower requires Jax to be in melee range which is dangerous early on.
      • Many champions can do more damage with their autoattacks than abilities at level one. Since Counter Strike Counter Strike blocks autoattacks, it allows Jax to out trade enemies and stay safe until he has his other abilities.
      • Minions attacks are also blocked which allows Jax to simply walk up to his opponent, ignoring minion damage, and hit them with a fully charged Counter Strike Counter Strike.
    • Activate it only if your target is near enough and you are sure they can't escape.
      • In this case, leap leap to them before the effect ends.
      • In they use long cooldown escapes like Flash Flash or Quicksilver Sash Quicksilver Sash, back off and wait for your cooldowns to refresh.
    • With some practice, Jax can stun most of the enemy team using this ability and Leap Strike Leap Strike.
    • Counter Strike Counter Strike also reduces damage from AoE abilities (including Requiem Requiem) which can save you during team fights and skirmishes.
  • Grandmaster's Might Grandmaster's Might
    • Use the active effect to protect you from important bursts of damage.
    • Land two basic attacks on minions then leap leap to your foe and use Empower Empower with your third hit of Grandmaster's Might Grandmaster's Might for a massive burst of damage.
    • Wait before using the active effect if you will receive invulnerability buffs, or ADAP buffs to get the most out of the ability.
Rune Usage
Item Usage

Starting Game:

  • Corrupting Potion Corrupting Potion is the favorite item for the first minutes of the lane as it gives health and mana regeneration pretty useful against mana pool or harasser champs.
  • Doran's Shield Doran's Shield is another more defensive option, it don't gives mana regen but it gives health and health regen that is very useful against counters. Be careful with your mana pool.
  • Movement speed is essential for Jax so always buy Boots of Speed Boots of Speed before early items.

Early Game:

  • Sheen Sheen can help you with your mana pool and his other effects help during battle, in early levels it don't gives good additional damage but during that time Jax only should try to farm with it.
  • For sustain Bilgewater Cutlass Bilgewater Cutlass can help you to stay in the line more longer, the active also help him to escape or attack.
  • Harassing champs are a mess for Jax, sustain builds like Spectre's Cowl Spectre's Cowl are very useful to not leave the line early and survive the damage output until the help comes.

Mid Game:

  • Mercury's Treads Mercury's Treads if one or more CCs give you to the enemy team focus.
  • Trinity Force Trinity Force is a core item for Jax as it gives most of he need especially the bonus 40% AS, 20% CDR, and the Spellblade effect that synergize well with Empower Empower dealing massive damage against weak champs.
  • Frozen Mallet Frozen Mallet help Jax with his defenses and also helps him to stay close near his enemies, is necessary in all builds defensive or offensive.
  • Hextech Gunblade Hextech Gunblade makes Jax hard to kill when he lands basic attacks against enemies thanks to omnivore (+15% drain effect) also it gives 40 Bonus AD and 80 AP that is perfect for hybrid champs like Jax.
    • Use the active to stay close to your target (if you don't have slows slows, escape or kill weak champs.
  • Guinsoo's Rageblade's Guinsoo's Rageblade's the right hand for Jax, this item was made for him, it gives flat AS, AD, AP and the previous amounts increase with basic attacks 6 times that works like a enhancer for Relentless Assault Relentless Assault, add to that the Guinsoo's Rage effect that will make Jax launch his enhanced attack every two attacks instead of three and you have created a monster.
    • Also the bonus magic damage in each attack stacks with Empower Empower, Grandmaster's Might Grandmaster's Might and works with Guinsoo's Rage.
    • Remember this item is pure offensive so it don't allows Jax to stay to much time with out defensive or drain items.

Late Game:

  • At this time you only will complete your last items and start to build Guardian Angel Guardian Angel to become more tanky and survive in a team battle despite if your are offensive or defensive, the enemy team will ignore you or they will attak you until you dead but your team help you to escape.
    • Don't underestimate your enemies, you're not god, and most of the time you should fight with your team in good conditions.
  • Jax has weak early game picking harassing champs allows to prevent him from farming with out take a dead risk.
  • Jax shines in prolonged battles so apply the strategy of attack and run.

