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League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Corrupting Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Phage item Sheen item Boots of Speed item
Essential Trinity Force item Mercury's Treads item Sterak's Gage item
Offensive Titanic Hydra item Guardian Angel item Guinsoo's Rageblade item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Randuin's Omen item Dead Man's Plate item
Situational Adaptive Helm item Maw of Malmortius item Thornmail item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Machete item Health Potion item3 Warding Totem item
Early Skirmisher's Sabre item Boots of Speed item Phage item
Essential Skirmisher's Sabre (Bloodrazor) item Ninja Tabi item Trinity Force item
Offensive Titanic Hydra item Guardian Angel item Guinsoo's Rageblade item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Randuin's Omen item Dead Man's Plate item
Situational Adaptive Helm item Maw of Malmortius item Thornmail item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Doran's Blade item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item2
Early Sheen item Phage item Boots of Speed item
Essential Trinity Force item Guinsoo's Rageblade item Mercury's Treads item
Offensive Sterak's Gage item Titanic Hydra item Death's Dance item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Dead Man's Plate item Maw of Malmortius item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Twisted Treeline (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Talisman item Hunter's Machete item Refillable Potion item
Early Caulfield's Warhammer item Boots of Speed item Stalker's Blade item
Essential Stalker's Blade (Warrior) item Mercury's Treads item Trinity Force item
Offensive Sterak's Gage item Titanic Hydra item Death's Dance item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Dead Man's Plate item Maw of Malmortius item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Wrath item
Howling Abyss
Starting Guardian's Hammer item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item3
Essential Trinity Force item Sterak's Gage item Mercury's Treads item
Offensive Guinsoo's Rageblade item Titanic Hydra item Death's Dance item
Defensive Guardian Angel item Spirit Visage item Maw of Malmortius item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item


Playing As Irelia Irelia
  • If you are against a ranged champion, it is best to rush Sheen Sheen and synergize with Bladesurge Bladesurge to farm up as you are not going to attack them as much and allows you to properly CS to not get behind. While in a melee matchup, Tiamat Tiamat is the best way to go for its wave clear and DPS for 1v1s.
  • Timing and use of your abilities properly allows you to maximize damage output by quickly stacking and maintaining Ionian Fervor Ionian Fervor.
  • Placement of your Flawless Duet Flawless Duet is critical to stunning targets in addition to gaining stacks of Ionian Fervor Ionian Fervor.
  • Large/epic monsters and Champions that have been marked by Flawless Duet Flawless Duet or Vanguard's Edge Vanguard's Edge are temporarily visible through fog of war. This can be used to your advantage to speed jungle clears or by ambushing enemy champions with Bladesurge Bladesurge.
  • In the early game, after maxing your Q - Bladesurge Bladesurge, it is best to max your E - Flawless Duet Flawless Duet second because you can use it against caster minions caster minions to lower their health and grant resets to Bladesurge Bladesurge.
Playing Against Irelia Irelia
  • When Irelia has used Vanguard's Edge Vanguard's Edge on you, it is best to wait till the blades despawn due to the additional damage and extreme slow you will be debuffed upon.
  • Once Irelia has engaged in a teamfight, you are prioritized to focus her as she has control over the teamfight with Vanguard's Edge Vanguard's Edge and can use Flawless Duet Flawless Duet to stun your whole team.
  • As a tank in the early game against Irelia, the essential items you need are Ninja Tabi Ninja Tabi and Bramble Vest Bramble Vest as that will lower the damage and reduce the healing of Bladesurge Bladesurge
  • Champions with natural True damage from their abilities will negate the damage reduction from Defiant Dance Defiant Dance. Taking Ignite Ignite against Irelia is also a good option due to the healing reduction and true damage aswell.


Ability Usage[]

Ionian Fervor Ionian Fervor [Innate]
  • Ionian Fervor Ionian Fervor will greatly increase your attack speed if you manage to get the stacks which makes Irelia Irelia more dangerous during 1v1s.
  • It also makes early engages more successful as it gets you advantage over your enemy laner.
Bladesurge Bladesurge [Q]
  • Bladesurge Bladesurge is your main farming tool during early game. It's highly recommended to only use it on dying minions or champions and large monsters hit by Flawless Duet Flawless Duet and Vanguard's Edge's Vanguard's Edge's as using this ability on marked enemies refreshes its cooldown as well.
Defiant Dance Defiant Dance [W]
  • Defiant Dance Defiant Dance is what you wanna use while getting ganked by burst assassin like Evelynn Evelynn as the damage you'll get will be much lower and will save you from many dangerous situations.
  • During midgame and lategame it's also good to make enemies attack you first and then use it.
  • You usually wanna save this ability in case enemy would go in or you would get ganked.
Flawless Duet Flawless Duet [E]
  • As Irelia, you usually use Flawless Duet Flawless Duet when you want to engage. Using Bladesurge Bladesurge on marked enemies will refresh its cooldown allowing you for using it more often to deal more damage.
  • It's also a great option if you're getting chased as Stun icon stunning enemies will get you more time to run.
Vanguard's Edge Vanguard's Edge [R]
  • Vanguard's Edge Vanguard's Edge is Irelia Irelia's powerspike. Enemies won't usually want to walk through blades which will force them to flash if they don't want to die.
  • It's also a great tool during teamfights and will allow you to initiate with it easily.



Synergies and Counterpicks[]

Works well with: Struggles against:

Malphite OriginalSquare
Malphite - Shard of the Monolith

Garen OriginalSquare
Garen - The Might of Demacia

Zac OriginalSquare
Zac - the Secret Weapon

Olaf OriginalSquare
Olaf - the Berserker

Rakan OriginalSquare
Rakan - The Charmer

Darius OriginalSquare
Darius - the Hand of Noxus

