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League of Legends Wiki

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"Some things must remain buried."

Strategy is highly subjective and may become outdated without any notice. Because of this, the League of Legends Wiki has decided to retire strategy pages and would recommend using other platforms (such as YouTube) to find guides. For more information visit this thread.

  • This page continues to exist for archive purposes.

Champion Spotlight[]

By David 'Phreak' Turley[1]

Spin to win Spin to win in the Champion Spotlight for Garen Garen, the Might of Demacia.

Garen's a melee fighter who excels at bringing justice to his opponents in the form of tough, physical DPS. With a silence silence, a damage-reducing shield damage-reducing shield and an execute-style ability execute-style ability to help secure kills, Garen's toolkit is ideal for trading hits in one-on-one skirmishes while still remaining tanky. And of course there's Judgment Judgment, his signature ability, a furious, uninterruptable damaging spin. Garen's zero-cost spells and sturdy foundation of resistances resistances and regeneration regeneration make for an aggressive, bullying playstyle that justifies his reputation as the most respected warrior in Demacia's fighting elite.

Recommended Items[]

Summoner's Rift
Starting Doran's Shield item Health Potion item Warding Totem item
Early Boots of Speed item Phage item Kindlegem item
Essential Mercury's Treads item The Black Cleaver item
Offensive Sterak's Gage item Dead Man's Plate item Death's Dance item
Defensive Warmog's Armor item Spirit Visage item Randuin's Omen item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Iron item
Summoner's Rift (Jungler)
Starting Hunter's Talisman item Health Potion item3 Warding Totem item
Early Boots of Speed item Stalker's Blade item Bami's Cinder item
Essential Mercury's Treads item Stalker's Blade (Cinderhulk) item The Black Cleaver item
Offensive Sterak's Gage item Dead Man's Plate item Death's Dance item
Defensive Warmog's Armor item Spirit Visage item Randuin's Omen item
Consumables Health Potion item Control Ward item Elixir of Iron item
Twisted Treeline
Starting Doran's Blade item Health Potion item2 Boots of Speed item
Early Caulfield's Warhammer item Phage item Giant's Belt item
Essential The Black Cleaver item Dead Man's Plate item Mercury's Treads item
Offensive Titanic Hydra item Death's Dance item Maw of Malmortius item
Defensive Sterak's Gage item Randuin's Omen item Warmog's Armor item
Consumables Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item
Howling Abyss
Starting Guardian's Horn item Boots of Speed item Health Potion item3
Essential The Black Cleaver item Mercury's Treads item Sunfire Cape item
Offensive Sterak's Gage item Youmuu's Ghostblade item Edge of Night item
Defensive Spirit Visage item Warmog's Armor item Thornmail item
Consumables Oracle's Extract item Health Potion item Elixir of Iron item


Playing As Garen Garen
  • Garen's regeneration regeneration greatly increases if he can avoid receiving damage for several seconds.
  • Judgment Judgment deals maximum damage when only hitting a single target. For effective trading, try to position such that only the enemy champion is hit.
  • Garen is only constrained by cooldowns, making items such as The Black Cleaver The Black Cleaver very effective for him.
  • If LeBlanc LeBlanc or Shaco Shaco are marked as Villains, your entire team can see the mark above the real champion when they use their clone clone abilities abilities.
Playing Against Garen Garen
  • Stack armor items to lower the large amount of physical damage that Garen deals out.
  • Try to run away from Garen as your health gets lower, as he can execute you quickly with Demacian Justice Demacian Justice.
  • Be careful about attacking Garen in brush. It often will lead to taking full damage from Judgment Judgment.
  • Judgment Judgment deals maximum damage when only hitting a single target. If getting out of its radius isn't possible, move through allied minions to reduce damage taken.


Ability Usage
Mastery Usage
Item Usage
  • The Black Cleaver is a core item for Garen. It gives stats that benefit Garen. The 1st passive allows Garen to stick to his target easier and his Judgement spell quickly applies the 2nd passive.
  • Alternatively, Trinity Force can be purchased. The 1st passive is the same as Black Cleaver, and since Garen has a high base AD, and it gives Garen extra burst and allows him to take towers quicker.


