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League of Legends Wiki

Ahri was a playable champion from The Path of Champions 1.0. She was removed in V3.8 for the new Path of Champions 2.0.


Ahri is one of the options for Reinforcement Nodes.

Path of Champions 1.0[]


Reputation Unlocks
Rank Reward
1 Begin your Adventure Complete adventures to gain Reputation and unlock your champion's potential!
2 I0037 Studded Leather (+1|+1) Begin every adventure with I0037 Studded Leather.
3 +50 Gold Begin every adventure with an extra 50 gold.
4 +2 Rerolls Begin every adventure with 2 additional Rerolls.
5 Random Starting Item Begin each adventure with a random Common Item on a card in your deck.
6 Common Relic Slot Gain a slot for a Common Relic Item.
7 Cut Cards You can now cut cards at the Healer.
8 New starting Power Round End: If you Keyword Recall recalled a unit this round, Keyword Recall recall the Keyword Weakest weakest enemy.
9 +10% Rare Powers You have a 10% additional chance to find Rare Powers.
10 +50 Gold Begin every adventure with an extra 50 gold.
11 Rare Relic Slot Upgrade to a slot for a Rare or Common Relic Item.
12 +2 Rerolls Begin every adventure with 2 additional Rerolls.
13 +10% Gold You earn 10% additional gold during adventures.
14 Common Relic Slot Gain a slot for a Common Relic Item.
15 +1 Revive Begin every adventure with 1 Revive. It will save you if you lose a combat!
16 +10% Rare Items You have a 10% additional chance to find Rare Items.
17 Random Starting Item Begin each adventure with a random Rare Item on a card in your deck.
18 Upgraded Starting Power Round End: If you Keyword Recall recalled a unit this round, Keyword Recall recall the Keyword Strongest strongest enemy.
19 +10% Gold You earn 10% additional gold during adventures.
20 Rare Relic Slot Upgrade to a slot for a Rare or Common Relic Item.
21 5% Epic Items You have a 5% additional chance to find Epic Items.
22 +1 Mana You begin every battle with an extra mana gem.

Starting Deck[]
