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cheers and jeers

Praise from some and scorn from others; a mixed reaction. News of the government's new tax law was met with cheers and jeers along party lines. The activist group drew cheers and jeers as they demonstrated outside the corporation's headquarters. You'll never make everyone happy, so buckle up for some cheers and jeers.
See also: and, cheers, jeer

jeer at (someone or something)

To mock, taunt, or scoff at someone or something. Everyone in school jeered at me for wearing a pink sweater. Why don't you contribute some of your own suggestions instead of sitting there jeering at mine?
See also: jeer
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

jeer at someone or something

to poke fun at someone; to make rude sounds at someone. Please stop jeering at my cousin! The others just jeered at my idea.
See also: jeer
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
If they both needed a stiff drink after the jeers aimed at them during their warm-up match against England, then fans' reaction in Bristol called for a top-up.
Meanwhile, Hamid Rashid Al Mansouri produced a double winner in the Jeer Tabaa Farkh (Trophy) event when his falcons named '98B' and '61' clocked the fastest times of 18.531 seconds and 18.559 respectively, with just 00.028 seconds separating the two.
According to Hezbollah's media wing, their forces, alongside the Syrian Arab Army, destroyed a building filled with ISIL terrorists inside the Jarod Jar jeer village of Ma'ber Abu Jadeej, Al Masdar reported.
I accept, 100 per cent, that fans pay their money and are therefore entitled to shout, boo or jeer at whoever they want.
Great job!"; "You are the man!") and "jeer" (e.g., "Miss it!"; "You suck!") to use in the good (cheer) and bad (jeer) feedback conditions.
Unsurprisingly, Kalmadi was the only public figure at the closing ceremony to be greeted and sent off with jeers, which grew louder when he thanked his secretary-general, Lalit Bhanot, who brought disgrace to India with his off-hand remarks on complaints from athletes on the poor hygiene standards at the Commonwealth Games Village.
Once the French national anthem, La Marseillaise, was played, Tunisian and Moroccan young men started to whistle and jeer in the presence of two French ministers.
Featuring eight bonus stickers to liven up anyone's cubicle, Try Rebooting Yourself is cartoonist Scott Adams' latest compilation of Dilbert cartoons, which savagely mock and jeer corporate ineffectualness, human obnoxiousness, and the literally cutthroat (or shove-off-a-roof) competition of office politics.
That's why I believe it's now time to move on and remember that a boo or a jeer at Dyer is a boo or jeer against Newcastle United.
Rod "Jeer 'Em" Jetton, R-Marble Hill: Jetton is known affectionately as "Heckle" among his closest allies.
She says, "The settings are eerie and creepy, but the dialogue is funny--very lighthearted and no blood at all." Definitely more jeer than fear!
The group, however, continued to jeer, finally provoking the governor to shout, ''Get out.''
Summary: Al Dhafra Falcons team and YLS shared the honours in the Jeer Shaheen Jernas event in the Sheikhs category.
Organisers have done their best to limit the impact of the elements by installing banks of portable windbreakers and watering the sands to give challengers in the 'Pure Jeer Farkh', 'Pure Jeer Jernaas', 'Jeer Shaheen Farkh' and 'Jeer Shaheen Jernaas' categories smooth flights.
JEER returns to Newmarket tomorrow just over a week after he won there and he can repeat the dose in the Frontrunner For Windows Handicap (2.55).