jeepers creepers!

jeepers creepers

A mild exclamation of surprise, astonishment, fear, or delight. A: "I just found out that they want to promote me to General Manager!" B: "Jeepers creeper, Tom—that's great news!" Jeepers creepers, don't sneak up on me like that! You nearly gave me a heart attack!
See also: creeper, jeepers
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

jeepers creepers!

An interjection of surprise or delight. The equivalent of “no kidding!” or “wow!” depending on the context, the phrase came from a 1938 popular song first sung by Louis “Sachmo” Armstrong in the movie Going Places. The chorus began, “Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those peepers? / Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those eyes?”
See also: jeepers
Endangered Phrases by Steven D. Price Copyright © 2011 by Steven D. Price
See also:
References in periodicals archive ?
Jeepers creepers! The exhibits seem to be so far-fetched that our three children took them in their stride as fascinating curiosity pieces, but they'll certainly come as a spooky surprise to any adults who've just been to a funeral.
Using the latest hip street slang, he declared: "Jeepers creepers." Jeepers creepers!
Jeepers Creepers! This one is really for the birds.