console (someone or oneself) with (something)

(redirected from console ourselves with)

console (someone or oneself) with (something)

To comfort or soothe someone with a particular thing or method. After my daughter lost her beloved teddy bear, I tried to console her with other toys, but nothing has helped thus far. It's not the healthiest idea to console yourself with sweets. A: "Come on in, I'm consoling myself by burning or throwing out everything that jerk ever gave me!" B: "Oh dear. So the breakup is still very fresh, huh?"
See also: console
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

console someone with something

to use something to comfort someone. We consoled her with a sympathy card and flowers. He sat down and consoled himself with a beer or two.
See also: console
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
But, after all, he was somewhat to blame in all that business and we may console ourselves with the reflection that France has no cause of reproach in the matter and did all she could to serve him."
When we reflect on this struggle, we may console ourselves with the full belief, that the war of nature is not incessant, that no fear is felt, that death is generally prompt, and that the vigorous, the healthy, and the happy survive and multiply.
If that's the case, then let's at least console ourselves with the fact that it looked horrible and formed the basis of an awful series.
We can only console ourselves with these songs for so long.
When the singer's fanatics-like me-miss him, we console ourselves with the thought that the King of Pop has finally found the Neverland he's always been searching for.
As this most dismal of Newcastle United seasons reaches its nervy climax, perhaps we can console ourselves with the thought that there have been worse times at the Toon - even if it doesn't feel like that at the moment.
The list of banned or sensitive words continues to grow, and now includes "universal values," "constitutional democracy," and "checks and balances" We console ourselves with dark humor about our revenge on the censors.
At least we can console ourselves with the implication that Cyprus is safe and zombie-free, or at least that it's handling the zombie crisis better than it handled the economic crisis.
Or we stand at the grave of a loved one and console ourselves with the thought that life somehow continues spiritually.
We will have to console ourselves with the pre-World Masters trophy and that fifth place at the World Championship.
So while we ordinary folks pray that our paltry pensions stay intact and our 401(k)s don't implode, we console ourselves with the bromide that money can't buy happiness.
Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at, said: "Last year at least our neighbours in Ireland were worse off, now we can't even console ourselves with that.
That was what we tried to console ourselves with when, an hour later, stomachs full, our guilty conscience pricked over the less than friendly way we treated the delivery man's excuse of "T-t-t-traffic." Anyway, Kipp's brief brush with starvation has helped us have a greater appreciation for the ongoing discussion about rising food prices, and consequently the threat of food shortages in the UAE.
We will console ourselves with the fact that they are now together and we no longer have the heartache of wondering where Richard is.