console (someone or oneself) with (something)

(redirected from console myself with)

console (someone or oneself) with (something)

To comfort or soothe someone with a particular thing or method. After my daughter lost her beloved teddy bear, I tried to console her with other toys, but nothing has helped thus far. It's not the healthiest idea to console yourself with sweets. A: "Come on in, I'm consoling myself by burning or throwing out everything that jerk ever gave me!" B: "Oh dear. So the breakup is still very fresh, huh?"
See also: console
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

console someone with something

to use something to comfort someone. We consoled her with a sympathy card and flowers. He sat down and consoled himself with a beer or two.
See also: console
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
I read his History of England, and I could measurably console myself with that, but only measurably; and I could not go back to the essays and read them again, for it seemed to me I had absorbed them so thoroughly that I had left nothing unenjoyed in them.
CONSOLE myself with the thought that birthdays are good for you.
In the meantime, I will console myself with the thought that I didn't vote for this barmy council and I hope those who did think twice in the next elections.
At least this year I could console myself with the fact that I did take them on a trip to London.
I'm now with someone else and console myself with the thought he'll get his comeuppance one day.
I'm now with someone else and console myself with the thought that he'll get his comeuppance one day.
It's something you never get over, but I console myself with the thought that I've known what it's like to be deeply loved and cherished.
I console myself with the thought that they can be given away on my next holiday -- if I find them again.
Another Which is the maxim I tried to console myself with while sobbing gently into a cushion as my latest birthday crested by in the blink of an eye and a blur of beer and cake.
In Cardiff, I can at least console myself with our almost annual defeat of Wales (Australia has won 11 of the past 12 encounters since 2007), but back home it's all about southern hemisphere dominance.
When that happens, I console myself with the reminder that those called to theological education have a sacred trust to educate and equip leaders for congregational ministry.
And I've spent my first day back trying to console myself with E numbers and salty carbs, but it's not doing my energy levels much good.
As an aged farmer feeling unkindly towards Europe, with farmers struggling to survive the weight of endless and costly regulation spewing from Brussels, I console myself with the thought that our actions 65 years ago have made internal conflict within a united Europe's borders a thing of the past.
One Aussie friend emailed me: "I console myself with the fact that Kevin Pietersen (pictured) is English and not Australian." When I said I felt the same about Punter, he replied: "He's Tasmanian, not Australian."
I console myself with the fact that this area has so much more beauty in its landscapes and seascapes.