belong to (someone)

(redirected from belong to us)

belong to (someone)

To be someone's possession. No, that coat belongs to Rachel—mine has a hood. Who do these headphones belong to? The pink water bottle belongs to Jenny, and the green one is mine.
See also: belong, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

belong to someone or something

to be owned by someone or something. This one belongs to me. This desk belongs to the company. You can't take it home!
See also: belong, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
"We are not so unlucky," said the new ruler, "for this Palace and the Emerald City belong to us, and we can do just as we please.
You know I don't love to hear you talk about politics; they belong to us, and petticoats should not meddle: but come, who is the man?"--"Marry!" said she, "you may find him out yourself if you please.
You speak as if you were going two hundred miles off instead of only across the park; but you will belong to us almost as much as ever.
He seemed to hold Marilla and me responsible for it all, though we told him the pig didn't belong to us, and had been pestering us all summer.
They all asked me questions, and I told them how pap and me and all the family was living on a little farm down at the bottom of Arkansaw, and my sister Mary Ann run off and got married and never was heard of no more, and Bill went to hunt them and he warn't heard of no more, and Tom and Mort died, and then there warn't nobody but just me and pap left, and he was just trimmed down to nothing, on account of his troubles; so when he died I took what there was left, because the farm didn't belong to us, and started up the river, deck passage, and fell overboard; and that was how I come to be here.
I am sure we have taken nothing away which does not properly belong to us.
On the other hand, though they did not belong to us, we remained on friendly terms with them.
'Money, cocked hats and feathers, red coats and gold lace; all the fine things there are, ever were, or will be; will belong to us if we are true to that noble gentleman-- the best man in the world--carry our flags for a few days, and keep
The like of you don't know us, don't care for us, don't belong to us. I am not sure why you may ha' come that night.
"This secret, Aramis, does not belong to us; take my advice, then, and let no one into our confidence.
The land we live on does not belong to us. Our efforts to get allocated land have been unsuccessful.
Kids are precious, they belong to us, and if we don' take care of them, who else will?
Does the land belong to us, or we belong to the land?
'The quarters do not belong to us, those belong to the government.
She said: "It did not belong to us, but to a Slimming World consultant and was part of a display promoting their classes."