belong to (someone)

(redirected from belong to one)

belong to (someone)

To be someone's possession. No, that coat belongs to Rachel—mine has a hood. Who do these headphones belong to? The pink water bottle belongs to Jenny, and the green one is mine.
See also: belong, to
Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2024 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

belong to someone or something

to be owned by someone or something. This one belongs to me. This desk belongs to the company. You can't take it home!
See also: belong, to
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
See also:
References in classic literature ?
I say his own people because, in a sense, all sailors belong to one family: all are descended from that adventurous and shaggy ancestor who, bestriding a shapeless log and paddling with a crooked branch, accomplished the first coasting-trip in a sheltered bay ringing with the admiring howls of his tribe.
Suddenly she came upon a little three-legged table, all made of solid glass; there was nothing on it except a tiny golden key, and Alice's first thought was that it might belong to one of the doors of the hall; but, alas!
Two species of the sub-group Cactornis, and two of the Camarhynchus, were procured in the archipelago; and of the numerous specimens of these two sub-groups shot by four collectors at James Island, all were found to belong to one species of each; whereas the numerous specimens shot either on Chatham or Charles Island (for the two sets were mingled together) all belonged to the two other species: hence we may feel almost sure that these islands possess their respective species of these two sub-groups.
What type of professional must belong to one of the Inns of Court?
He termed the PSL a 'national asset' stating that it did not belong to one particular city.
The rifle that turned out to belong to one of the SAF 44 had been seized from Nasser Karim, who was arrested in an antidrug operation on Oct.
Michael Hicks, an expert on Richard III and professor of history at Winchester University, has said that the remains could belong to one of many victims of the Wars of the Roses fought in the 15th century England, the Independent reported.
Bearing in mind it is in-scribed on the confiscated badge that it was is-sued on 20 December 2017, the paper concludes that it cannot belong to one of the arrested Macedonian citizens.
The biological remains in the area of the ammo depots that recently blasted in southern Bulgaria have been identified to belong to one of the workers declared dead in the incident.
Hoss said he was not convinced by the argument that most of those who are between 18 and 21 year of age belong to one confessional sect.
Our history and proud heritage do not belong to one political party.
Researchers report that these insects belong to one of the few animal species known to have arisen from crossbreeding of two other species.
Presumably, the documents belong to one of his parents.
This sinister appropriation, with ad lingo intact, would seem to swerve Richard Prince's paradigmatic late-'70s images of living rooms and men in suits into an even more blatant critique of the corporate fetish, one that finally is stripped of its flimsy allegorical armature when it is disclosed that Oakhurst Terrace is rumored to belong to one of Kordansky's most important collectors.
What is the difference between brainwashing a young man into strapping high explosive to his body and brainwashing pilots to drop so-called 'smart bombs' on civilians in towns and cities below, killing tens of thousands The damage caused to those poor souls made me ashamed to belong to one of the nations responsible.