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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.



a city, administrative center of Belomorsk Raion, Karelian ASSR. It is located on islands at the point where the White Sea-Baltic Canal enters the White Sea. It is a seaport and a junction for railroads leading to Petrozavodsk, Murmansk, and Obozerskaia. Population, 16,000 (1968). Commercial fishing is carried on, and there are sawmill and woodworking combines and a commercial wharf. The city was formed in 1938 from the ancient seaside village of Soroki and the settlement of Solunin.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
(37) Despite this success, Finns had been active, too, and founded a national missionary organization called "Vienan Karjalaisten Liitto" (Union of Belomorsk Karelians, 1906) to educate the minds of Karelian people about their ethno-linguistic links with the Finns and propagate the Lutheran religion in 49 borderland schools, which taught 1,967 pupils in 1917.
"I voted for Putin," said a young man who could not explain why he had been bussed to Moscow from Belomorsk, 600 miles away in the frozen north.
with Sites 32, 34 (f) Irradiated fuel PM 63 SevMash, Belomorsk na- Auxiliary vessel (g) val base, Severodvinsk 12 Olenya naval base, Auxiliary near Murmansk vessel PM 74 Near Vladivostok Submarine refu- eling vessel (i) MPC&A Site Activity Dates Remarks 49 Storage May 96- Main fuel storage annex (a) Sep.